I sprayed Arma-coat/Line-x for six years. Speedliner appears to be the same. IMHO all are better than rhino. The hot sprayed products have a much better finish than the cold sprayed rhino. The color match is a neat Idea, but I would caution anyone against it. The process is always a two part poly-urathane with pigments, and Isocynate, the latter cures to a yellow shade. The color match process for most will be a trial and error process that is done in a very small batch and unless a lot of math and measuring is done there could be a problem with the mix due to too little or too much pigment. I have color matched several trucks and it never looks quite right because of the shine difference. The worst color I ever tried spraying was white for helicopter doors. We warned the coustomer that White will not stay white because of the natural yellowing of the isocynate, and suggested a light tan or gray, but they insisted on white and less than a year later the product had started to darken. I am still a fan of the standard black spray-in liner. easier to maintain, cheaper cost. Just my experince and thoughts.