WARNING! For those with 4 door Norcold!


Past Heartland Ambassador
Made a scary discovery this morning!

In the 4 door Norcold on the left side refer door, there is a divider flap that helps seal the refer. On the door frame you will notice three silver buttons, and if you look at the corresponding location on the edge of the door you will see three little spring pins. This is where the door flapper receives it power to keep the heater in the flapper working.

I noticed that the top button was kinda brown around it...thought it was dirty till I looked closer and realized the plastic had burned and started to melt...AND the button was hot to the touch...the others were not. I then noticed that the top and bottom pins were stuck in while the center pin was sticking fully out....after investigating on the Norcold service manual for the 1210 I realized the pins are removable/replaceable. I pulled the pins out and reinstalled and them seem to be extending out now where they should...apparently when contact is not properly made it causes the heating up condition.

NOT GOOD...this can cause a fire so I called Norcold. What a WASTE OF TIME!! First, of course it's out of warranty, they cannot sell me pins and expect me to pay a service guy to come out so they can sell him pins....but INSIST the electrical problem is in my coach NOT their refrigerator. They do NOT have a clue and expect me to unplug it and pay to have the COACH electrical looked at!!

Looks like I will be getting my Samsung residential fridge a lot sooner than expected!!:mad::mad:


Southeast Region Director-Retired
Great observations Kathy and glad you caught it in time. What a bummer on the reaction from Norcold. Greatest product made until .... Don't call us attitude. Maybe someone might have a suggestion on how to get the replacement contacts. Keep us informed.


Past Heartland Ambassador
I discovered a thread on RV.net....happened to someone else and he took the pins out and sprayed with WD40 and reinstalled...seems to have solved the problem.

Dan...I will....