Winter Storage - Stabilizers


Northeast Region Director-Retired
Unfortunately, it's winter storage time.:mad: (4-5 months)........ Leave the stabilizers up or down? Any opinions.



Well-known member
i leave them down.

I'm in and out of unit a few times during winter to check thing out. Stabbility to unload and load stuff in the summer.
I have always left them down on all units I've owned.

Take some weight off the tires if they loose air over winter. and they don't hurt to leave them either way.

you will get answers for both. To each their own.

Right way ????


Committed Member
If you use the trailer for your winter "getaway/hideout" (like I do) then I would stabilize it!! ;)


Well-known member
With the BH, I have left them down. With my sob, I had them up. I never went to the storage place and put the slides out. The BH stays at home now, so I don't put them up. I will now use the weight issue if the tires get low as the reason to leave the stabilizers down, as a previous poster said.


Founding New York Chapter Leader-Retired
The amount of wind I get thru the winter months here at my location I put them down !! I'm sure it will not blow over , but it still makes me feel better in the down position.


Well-known member
If you put them down, make sure you have a small board under them. This will help keep the leg from being frozen to the ground. You can leave the board in the ice when you leave.

Don't use a big cinder block because you might not be able to clear it with your axles or spare tire being stored underneath. The block can freeze to the ground very solid.

It was 12 degrees below zero (F) when we left last year.


Well-known member
Bocca Shuffles make a good point about the freezing. As an added precaution I think that I would take a piece of plastic or other such material to place not only between the pads and the ground, but also between the tires and what ever you have them setting on as well. Just another idea..:)


Well-known member
A couple years ago I cut out some tire shaped pieces of plywood to keep sun off the tires while in storage down by the barn. Well, when I went to get the 5'r to go to AZ. it was -7 F all 4 tires were flat (something about shrink diff between wheel and tire). The plywood was jammed up inside the fenders and frozen into the ground. You can imagine where the air valves were! Yeah, it was a big deal. So be careful what you prop and where.


Well-known member
I have 1/2 inch plywood down, it flexes with ground movement

and back my trailer tires on to that. I just leave them there and when I park at storage I know where My wheels sit and when to stop.

I also have 2 x 6's set for each stabalizer and tounge jack.
I just leave everything in place, back in and down with everthing and drive away.