As you may know, there are different X-factors for the Correct track and the non - Correct track/equalizers. The ones for the Correct track hang down 2" below the underbelly but are closer right where they attach to the hanger. The ones for the equalizer also run across the underbelly and leave 2" clearance also. I notice on the Morryde web site that there is a model that hangs down even more. I am not sure if that is a new model or a modification of the existing model. I have attached the Correct track ones but not the equalizer one yet. (waiting for warmer weather).
From your picture, I "think" they will fit. The X-factor for the Correct track attaches to the spring hanger with a metal strip bolted across the spring hanger ( opening for the spring). This attaches to the area right above where the spring hanger is bent to hold the yellow adjuster. That strip is 1-1/8" wide. Can't tell how close the pipe is to the spring hanger. If you have 1-1/8" between the pipe and the spring hanger bends, it will fit.