Your Feedback is Needed regarding the future of Heartland Highlights

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Well-known member
As most Heartland Owners Club members know, each quarter, the newsletter, Heartland Highlights, all about club happenings across North America is published (link to sub-forum of newsletters). More recently, we opened up Heartland Highlights so all Heartland Owners Forum members could read it without being a Club member.

Deb Bylinski was our very first Newsletter Editor. Deb did a great job defining, editing and producing our first evolution of newsletters. A couple years later, Deb passed the torch to Erika Dorsey. Over the next 3 years, Erika took the newsletter to the next level. And now the time has come for Erika to pass the torch. Thank you Erika and Deb for all you've done for the club!

As we look ahead, we want to hear from our readers about how they feel about Heartland Highlights and how useful it may be to them. Can you spare a few moments to give us your feedback?

Your feedback is important to the Heartland Owners Club. Please take this short, 9-question survey (SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED) about the Heartland Highlights newsletter.

Thank you!


Below is a list of what the survey questions were. Special thank you goes out to Rod and Kelly Ditrich for coming up with the initial survey questions - thanks guys!

1. Did you know that Club headquarters publishes a quarterly newsletter?
Yes - No

2. Have you ever read the Heartland Highlights newsletter?
Yes - No

3. How often do you read the Heartland Highlights newsletter?Never - Rarely - Occasionally - All of them

4. Would you like to see the Heartland Highlights newsletter continue?
Yes - No - Doesn't matter to me

5. How many editions of the Heartland Highlights newsletter would you like to see each year (there are presently 4 editions)?
4 times per year (quarterly - as is done now) - 3 times per year (tri-annually) - 2 times per year (bi-annually) - 1 time per year (annually) - Doesn't matter to me - Other (please specify)

6. Please rate these Heartland Highlights newsletter topics in order of importance to you (1 = most important and 17 being of least important) (optional)
Heartland RV Executive updates (Heartland RVs President and VP of Sales)
Club Membership Facts & Statistics
Club President (Jim Beletti) Update
Club Manager (Julie Hancock) Update
Tech Tips
Safety Tips
Member Spotlight
Upcoming Rally Advertisements
Recent Past Rally Wrap Up Reports
Region Reports
Chapter Reports
Rally Potluck Recipes
Heartland RV’s Financial Information
Heartland RV’s Product/Brand Advertisements and Updates
Traveling with Pets
Moderator Message
User & Troubleshooting Guides

7. What other topics you would like to see in the Heartland Highlights newsletter? (optional)

8. How satisfied have you been with the length (number of pages) of the Heartland Highlights newsletter?Just Right - Too Long - Too Short - Doesn't matter to me

9. What do you think about publishing the Heartland Highlights newsletter in a different way. By that, we mean, some other format. Perhaps an online blog that does not require downloading / can't be downloaded/printed?Yes to a blog-style format - No to a blog-style format - Doesn't matter to me - Other (please specify another format)
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Well-known member
We've received 80+ surveys so far. Thank you and please keep them coming!

I also received feedback that question 6 that asks you to rank the items of the newsletter is a bit difficult to complete. Those who stick with it hae been able to do it though. Sorry that item is a pain but thanks again to all who have completed the survey. It's really great feedback that helps us determine the direction of the newsletter.


Well-known member
Survey Results!

We crested the 100+ mark last night. I had to close the survey as I used the free version of Survey Monkey and it only allows me to "see" the first 100 responses. Beyond that, I have to pay to see the rest, so no need to take more responses that I can't see.

This survey is now closed. Thank you to all who responded!

Here's a summary of the responses:

Results from the first 100 respondents to the Heartland Highlights newsletter survey

  • 83% know that there is a Club newsletter
  • 84% have read Heartland Highlights
  • 67% read every club newsletter
  • 90% would like to see the newsletter continue
  • 69% would like to see the issue frequency remain at 4 times per year
  • 49% feel the length of the newsletter at around 40 pages is just right, while 19% feel it’s too long and 31% feel it doesn’t matter to them what the length is
  • 47% say it doesn’t matter to them, what style the newsletter is published in (PDF, blog etc) while 34% said they do not favor a blog-style and 19% said they would favor a blog-style
Newsletter topics suggested were:

  • Publish 3rd party product discounts
  • RV shopping/trading/buying tips
  • Recall information
  • Forum usage tips
  • Spotlight campgrounds
  • Spotlight destinations
  • Unique RV modifications done by owners
  • RV park ratings/reviews
  • Warranty claim trend statistics (to help the owners gauge Heartland sincerity/commitment to building better products)
  • Spotlight new floor plans
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Well-known member
I just started reading so I don't have an opinion yet. Well Maybe..... I don't know. should I have an opinion?? :)


Well-known member
If anyone missed responding to the survey before we hit the max of 100 responses and had to close it, feel free post here in this thread, your feelings and thoughts about the future of what the newsletter should be. See post 1 for the survey questions and post # 3 for survey responses.


Well-known member
I think the newsletter currently being published is in a great format. Having it as a PDF allows us to read and save the issues for reference if needed. I enjoy reading and contributing to it. The only difference I would make is to make it easier to find. Quarterly and 40 pages is spot on.


1. Did you know that Club headquarters publishes a quarterly newsletter?Yes 2. Have you ever read the Heartland Highlights newsletter?Yes3. How often do you read the Heartland Highlights newsletter?Never - All of them4. Would you like to see the Heartland Highlights newsletter continue? Yes5. How many editions of the Heartland Highlights newsletter would you like to see each year (there are presently 4 editions)?3 or 4 times per is great.6. Please rate these Heartland Highlights newsletter topics in order of importance to you (1 = most important and 17 being of least important) (optional)Heartland RV Executive updates (Heartland RVs President and VP of Sales)Club Membership Facts & Statistics 12 although current data makes no sense, I know there are many registered in SD but statistics show none.Club President (Jim Beletti) Update 4Club Manager (Julie Hancock) Update. 15Tech Tips. 1Safety Tips. 5Member Spotlight. 12Upcoming Rally Advertisements. 10Recent Past Rally Wrap Up Reports 9Region Reports. 14Chapter Reports 13Rally Potluck Recipes 12Heartland RV’s Financial Information 8Heartland RV’s Product/Brand Advertisements and Updates 7Traveling with Pets 6Moderator MessageUser & Troubleshooting Guides 57. What other topics you would like to see in the Heartland Highlights newsletter? Summery of warranty claim statistics, more technical user advise, company trends and changes to improve product quality/reliability and consumer satisfaction.DRV is now part of Heartland branded products. Why aren't they and other recent acquisitions included in rallies and in product brand contact info, etc??8. How satisfied have you been with the length (number of pages) of the Heartland Highlights newsletter?Doesn't matter to me - needs to be long enough to relate useful information to owners.9. What do you think about publishing the Heartland Highlights newsletter in a different way. By that, we mean, some other format. Perhaps an online blog that does not require downloading / can't be downloaded/printed? PDF is by far the best because we can easily save it on our own devices and refer back to them. Can also search each for information.
I have to be honest and admit that I do not read them all. Kind of browse and see if there is anything I want to read. We are not big on attending rallies, however, the main rally is on our list of things to do sometime when we do not have other plans. Would like more how to articles on fixing problems that occur. I personally think that the newsletter is too long--just saying. You do do a great job on it regardless.


Moved on to the next thing...
I enjoy the newsletter . . .

I don't always read it when it first comes out, but I do scan through it and read what I find interesting!

In the new one that just came out I'm glad to see an article about the Heartland Trail Runner and Prowler lines . . .

These are both exceptional RV brands (I know . . . have owned both) that don't seem to get enough mention around here!

TrailRunnerAtCherryChreek-IMG_20150517_095052920.jpg ProwlerAtMountaindale2015-P1000145.jpg


Well-known member
Still reading it. I usually read them over several days or more depending on what's going on. In the current issue, I was particularly interesed to the Goshen statistics regarding the rig count and the fact that Big Horns and Texans came out on top. Kind of interesting as at a lot of our local rallies, the Landmarks are often dominate. I was somewhat saddened that Erika is hanging it up as she has always done a great job, but I am confident her replacement will excell as well. Thanks to all that make it possible.


Well-known member
I selected to view it in blog style over the current PDF style for the following reasons.

1. If using the correct blog style, it is mobile friendly and therefore making it much easier to read on just about any device. PDF isn't always mobile friendly. Mobile friendly is a must today. (Example: 60% of all Fifth Wheel St. visitors are mobile readers.)
2. Blog style, if allowed, could allow readers to further the conversation on topics to learn more and/or maybe clarify any misunderstanding on a particular topic. (Overall, I don't know if any of my safety articles have helped anyone or not.)
3. Blog style makes it easier to search for previous topics or content.
4. Blog style could have a menu for the various topics making easier for the reader go to what they prefer to read the most.
5. Blog style is much easier to maintain and could take less time to create than a PDF.

Late add: I wonder if some or most of the 34% who don't prefer blog don't fully understand the power that the blog format has become. It's not longer what it used to be.


Well-known member
I enjoy the newsletter, but generally browse to find my interests; seeing Ralley happenings is fun; prefer blog style; more articles on customizing rigs and personal stories would be fun as well. It's a very good piece.


I read the newsletter every time it comes out. Love it. I don't know much about the blog style. Not tech savvy. I would like to see it continue.


Well-known member
Closing this thread but may restart it elsewhere.

All club members get an email notification each time a reply is posted to this thread and some members are tiring of all the email notifications of replies to this thread. Sorry.
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