Bedroom Slide bottom wood repair

Hi all, I have a 2009 Sundance 2998 RB. I noticed that the front bottom corner of my bedroom slide was sticking out a little when fully retracted, so I started poking around. It feels like some of the wood on the bottom of the slide in that corner is crumbling. Nothing feels wet or spongy, just crumbly.I pulled the mattress and the osb board on the top, and see no problems on the top side. On the underside it looks like the 2 big support bolts that I assume take the weight in that corner are getting pulled just a little crooked in the wood.

Anyway, here is what I am thinking: Build a couple of 2x4 supports to stick in a few spots, pull the lower edge trim, cut away the black underside wrap, get the 4 big bolts out, cut away any bad wood, and replace with marine plywood.... Sound do-able? If you have done this or have any advice, I am all ears. I am not about to leave this at an RV shop for months waiting for something to get done, it just seems like a little carpentry to me....


Well-known member
Seems as if there was post on here late last year, that covered this exact type of repair. The thread was about a guy who had a cyclone, and the bedroom floor was gone. In those photos he also used some 2x4's to hold of the outer shell, while he removed and replaced the floor. I know the repair shops I have toured used a forklift to remove the slide to do the type of repair. Its more than I would feel comfortable tackling. Good luck.
After some more digging through this forum, and checking out my other slides, it appears some maintenance/upgrades is in order for all. The other two aren't bad yet, but they need some fresh paint, and the drip edge mod I saw popping up in a lot of threads. I plan to start poking around on the bedroom slide tomorrow. I'll take pictures.... This should be fun... Goal is to have it 90% done by Monday.... My 4 year old may learn some new words.


Well-known member
You are right. My 2008 Bighorn had problems under the slides also. Water was able to drip down the sides and into the bottom plywood of the slide, causing separation. I caught it before it was too bad and did install a metal angle piece at the bottom of each end of the slides, then re-caulked. No problem after that. I think it was a problem for many on the 2007-2010 models. And you are right, there were a lot of threads covering this back then and how to repair the problem.
So here is what they look like inside... aluminum frame with OSB above and below... no support where the roller goes... not a problem until the wood gets soft I guess, but still... Anyway, not that big of a deal to fix. I'll square off the hole, add some 2x4s inside, put in a new peice of OSB with some good paint, seal it all back up, and add a drip edge. I believe water got in through the plastic weave stuff or maybe where the corner trim came together, there is no other sign anywhere else. DSC_2029_1.jpg
A little extra new wood, and it works. I little paint today, and some caulk, and that's that. Not hard at all, and no need to get forklifts involved.I guess I didn't get a pic yet with the new OSB on, but you get the idea.