2009 Illinois Rally


Founding Illinios Chapter Leader-retired
Jimbo - While I do resemble that remark :D, ask Kenny, I was good :angel: during the rally. No food or liquid indulgences. I ate vicariously through Neil who "knows" how to put dessert way :eek: He actually "saves room" for it. Not trying to blame-shift, just pointing out "he's good".

But I did love "9 pounds" my first week of doing South Beach Diet :D A gazillion pounds to go! :(

I guess I will have to back JimB up , he really did stick to his diet. I think all the gals were mad at him because there was so much food left over at the potluck. I hated to see the Margarita machine covered with cobwebs and dust too.....Kenny


Well-known member
I guess I will have to back JimB up , he really did stick to his diet. I think all the gals were mad at him because there was so much food left over at the potluck. I hated to see the Margarita machine covered with cobwebs and dust too.....Kenny

Thanks for having my back Kenny :) I fixed my typo in my post too.

The margarita machine was lonely. But then, it was way to cold to break it out.


Well-known member
I want to thank everyone for a great weekend in spite of the misfortune we had. The Heartland family stepped up to the plate and made a bad situation much less stressful. Thanks again everyone. We got home about 5PM and our son and daughter-in-law unloaded trailer for us then we went out to dinner at local restaurant. Insurance adjuster came over today and said he will pay for whatever it takes to make it as good or better than new.


Sounds like you guys had a really good time. Another great Heartland Rally done.

I have been following the progress and it looks like everyone had a great time. It takes a lot of work to make a rally happen successfully. I'm sure Kenny had a little help and I want to thank all that did help, especially Kathy, cause I know she was in the middle of it all. She is just that kind of lady. There were others also, so Thanks to all.

The more of the great Heartland Owners Rallies we have, the more friends we make, the more people we educate about the Heartland products, then the bigger our family becomes. Soon we could travel all over the USA and Canada and visit friends and folks of the Heartland family.

Jim M


Jimbo - While I do resemble that remark :D, ask Kenny, I was good :angel: during the rally. No food or liquid indulgences. I ate vicariously through Neil who "knows" how to put dessert way :eek: He actually "saves room" for it. Not trying to blame-shift, just pointing out "he's good".

But I did lose "9 pounds" my first week of doing South Beach Diet :D A gazillion pounds to go! :(

Sounds like your doing the right thing Jim B...Keep it up..

Jim M


Well-known member
I forgot to add that we managed to spend a little in the RV store at Double J.

We got the door handle that Kathy & Kenny recommended and a couple of small bubble levels and some cable connectors. The prices were very reasonable.

Keith & Diane, be sure to give us an update on your cleanup, repairs, and healing.


Founding Illinios Chapter Leader-retired
I would like to give a big THANK YOU!!! To CE for taking pictures I did'nt get as any as I would of liked to so THANKS AGAIN CE. Kathy:D:D


Founding Illinios Chapter Leader-retired
I want to thank everyone for a great weekend in spite of the misfortune we had. The Heartland family stepped up to the plate and made a bad situation much less stressful. Thanks again everyone. We got home about 5PM and our son and daughter-in-law unloaded trailer for us then we went out to dinner at local restaurant. Insurance adjuster came over today and said he will pay for whatever it takes to make it as good or better than new.

Keith ...good to hear things will get fixed , sure is a nice rig. I hope to get a few of your mods done in the very near future. Kathy says here is a big hug for you and Diane. Hope for quick healing and will remember you in our thoughts and prayers......Kenny


Founding Illinios Chapter Leader-retired
Mark , they will be in the hog as soon as Kenny and I learn how to do it . CE sent what he took so we are going to try to do them soon. I also have some I took that we will post. Kathy


Well-known member
Kathy , I take it you and Kenny are safely home. Thanks again for the good job you guys did on the rally and I ate my apple when I got home. Good Good Good. Jim B I'm thinking of you everytime I eat a piece of the pina colada cake.


Founding Illinios Chapter Leader-retired
Kathy , I take it you and Kenny are safely home. Thanks again for the good job you guys did on the rally and I ate my apple when I got home. Good Good Good. Jim B I'm thinking of you everytime I eat a piece of the pina colada cake.

Neil......I bought 5 caramel apples , you got one and I ate one. Guess who ate the other three? Yep, Kathy .....oink.... oink


Founding Illinios Chapter Leader-retired
Boy were they good yummy!!!yummy!!! yummy. It will be a year befor I get another one.Kathy:D:D


Founders of SoCal Chapter
Kat, I have a good idea where you could store one until next year. Kenneth might not approve though. :eek: Bob:D:D


Well-known member
Kathy , I take it you and Kenny are safely home. Thanks again for the good job you guys did on the rally and I ate my apple when I got home. Good Good Good. Jim B I'm thinking of you everytime I eat a piece of the pina colada cake.


You're killing me :eek:


Well-known member
Hi all,

I created a rally album on HOG. Here's a link.

I uploaded the few pictures I took plus a bunch that Clarence took. Thanks for the pics Clarence.


Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
Great photos! Thanks for posting. I must say, it looks like it was a bit chilly for the weekend. Everyone had jackets on. Great campfire weather I bet.


Founding Illinios Chapter Leader-retired
Jim and CE, the pictures are very nice I am so thankful to you and CE for taking them I got a few more to add as soon as we get to it. Thanks again guys Great Job!! Kathy:)