TXbobcat said:
"Hay Kathy
Sounds great.. We will hold a spot for you. What all are you having done?
We can show off our new IS and DB with the others that have had it done. BTW.. How many have replaced their axles with the IS system."
mrcomer said:
"Thought it would be nice if a certain someone
(Director of owners interest) could provide a seminar on proper technique for toilet seat tossing. I am sure there would be a wonderful turnout and lots of participation.
katkens-DW said:
"I think you are right Mark. Great Idea------Kathy

Jim Beletti said:
"I just can't do this on command Mark

I think we can do a video replay from Branson though!
And I say???? How do we go from a discussion about rally parking, about axles, IS suppension, to Toilet seat tossing,

or closing?,, to even maybe a VIDEO


?????? I hope I don't see someone I know in the video.
This is going to be a fun rally!!!
Jim M