Thanks for the fairground pic!
We are traveling from the Dallas, TX area. Any ideas on routes to take? I'm allowing about 3 days to get there.
Thanks for any info!
I don't know about the Barrier Charge, but have been on the Indiana I-80 toll a few times and you are correct, it will be around $15.Question:
I am coming by I-80 from California to Elkhart first. What will my Indiana toll road toll be for my 4 axle rig? I looked at their website, got a price of about $15, but did not understand the "Barrier Charges".
Nancy and Dave--We are going a familiar route to us as we moved to Rusk, TX from IL and have been to Goshen from there before. We will take I30N out of Texarkana, I40 out of LittleRock to I55 at West Memphis. At Sikeston, Mo (where there is a good restruaunt, home of the Throwed Rolls) take I57 to I70 at Effingam IL. I70 to Indy to US 31N, then US6 to Nappanee and the at last 15N to Goshen. Like I said, we have done all this before and it is good road. We are leaving June 3 and plan to be in Goshen on the 6th. Travel safe. Paul and NanThanks for the fairground pic!
We are traveling from the Dallas, TX area. Any ideas on routes to take? I'm allowing about 3 days to get there.
Thanks for any info!
Karen, I can't check the map right now, but if it was me I would head up to 80 and then go across. No toll in PA and a better road then 76.
As to 20 in indiana, I used it a couple of years ago in the evening, it was a pleasant ride, averaged about 50 mph and no toll
Nancy and Dave--We are going a familiar route to us as we moved to Rusk, TX from IL and have been to Goshen from there before. We will take I30N out of Texarkana, I40 out of LittleRock to I55 at West Memphis. At Sikeston, Mo (where there is a good restruaunt, home of the Throwed Rolls) take I57 to I70 at Effingam IL. I70 to Indy to US 31N, then US6 to Nappanee and the at last 15N to Goshen. Like I said, we have done all this before and it is good road. We are leaving June 3 and plan to be in Goshen on the 6th. Travel safe. Paul and Nan
Oops forgot about Bonnaroo. Thank goodness we are leaving on the 14th from AL heading up I-65. Maybe it won't be that back with folks crossing over to the I-24. Ya'll travel safely.
Thanks. Sounds like the best way to go. See you there.Kevin, You'll be going right past my house, but I'll already be in Goshen.
Tony, I-90 will take you right past Goshen you can take RT- 15 south from I-90 into Goshen.