A month in New Hampshire


Senior Question Asker
We're spending the month in southern New Hampshire. If you make it to Nashua, send us a message and we'll get together. Eric's looking for any excuse to use his outdoor kitchen!

If you have recommendations of what we should see/eat or visit next, please let us know. We'd like to see Vermont, Maine and Canada before we start heading south again October first.

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Well-known member
There is a rally in Vt. the 2nd of Aug. not far away only 113mi from Nashua. Would be a great weekend for you, a lot of experienced people will be there, you could learn a lot about your rig and Rving in general and the Heartland Owners club and if your not a member you can sign up right there.


Well-known member
Things to do & places to eat...

Hampton Beach ( http://www.hamptonbeach.org/ )
Salisbury Beach ( http://www.salisbury-beach.org/ )
Salisbury beach State Park has a good camping area but plan ahead for a site. Even though they have lots of sites, only a few have 30/50 Amp Power.
We plan on being at Salisbury Beach State Park on July 10 for 2 weeks stay.

Places we like to eat..

Seal's Clam Shack.. Markey's Lobster Pool or Brown's Lobster Pound all in SeaBrook NH.

Close to you is also the Weathervane Seafood Restaurant.

Have FUN !


Senior Question Asker
We visited Hampton Beach yesterday...something to see once but glad we didn't get out of the truck. It was a mob scene. :)

On the search for more yummy sea food!


Well-known member
We'll land in Salisbury Beach State Park tomorrow...

Yes, I agree that Hampton isn't for everyone... but its what the old beach towns did to pull in the crowds of city folks with their hords of kids & Pockets full of Money.