Announcing the Fall 2009 Virginia Chapter Rally

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Well-known member
What to bring, etc.

I've just posted for Tracy a list of suggested (non-food) items to bring. It is in the other thread (09 Fall Rally Agenda & Notices) along with the other notices such as food, agenda, etc.


Well-known member
Tropical drinks (alcohol)

Hey, who wants to get together and make up some tropical drinks at this rally?

There are lots of great tropical drinks that are a lot of trouble to make one at a time but that are great for a group of people to make a pitcher full or blender full or even a bucket full (popular in Jamaica I know).

I was going to "coordinate" this because it is one of my favorite things but I'm kind of "coordinated out" from the two themed dinners. (But boy am I glad I did -- this would have been mostly desserts if I'd just left it to chance.) And I still haven't finished with that yet. Yes, I still have four of you to send emails to and one family I haven't heard from at all yet. And I've kind of gotten the impression that a couple of folks aren't entirely happy with getting "coordinated" ... twice. Oops, back to the drinks...

So who all wants to try and get Planter's Punch or Rum Jungle pitchers going? "Do you like Pina Coladas?"

FYI, we checked with the campground about alcohol in the conference center. We can have alcohol. We can serve alcohol to adults. (I don't know if parents can serve alcohol to their minor children like they can in Virginia.) We cannot sell alcohol or anything that contains alcohol. That means we can bring alcohol and drink our own or share with others.

I've got lots of little umbrellas for drinks.:D


Well-known member
Boat drinks - doubly sorry we will miss this rally now..........................

We will miss having you there (especially a Cyclone -- my new favorite trailer after spending some time with Roger's). Hopefully we will meet at the "East Coast Rally" which it sounds like will get some planning at this rally. (Wish PA chapter's leaders could be there too!)

Yeah, I was afraid to be the first to say "boat drinks" ... that's a whole 'nother level past "tropical drinks" ... but if serious cocktail connoisseurs (isn't instant spell check great 'cuz I couldn't have spelled that by myself) abound, I do hope to find them, join them, hoist a few with them, and if I'm true to my usual self, corrupt a few land lubbers into the "boat drinks" crowd.

In fact, I am darn sure I'm going to need a few of those myself ... unfortunately for me and the rules of decorum (that one I knew how to spell) for a wagonmaster, I kind of have to limit my drinking during the events and save it until after the kiddies and "shame-on you's" (if any) have gone to bed.

Seriously though, you are going to miss what I hope will be the rally to end all rallies. Not because I'm wagonmaster, and not because this is the first rally I've ever "wagonmastered," but because it's the end of the season for most people and with everything that's happened in the economy and the election (oops, opinion slipped), I'm thinking that I would like to see every one who attends have the kind of weekend that they feel good about spending their diesel on. Plus it helps a sponsor build goodwill and Heartland see that their owners appreciate them enough to band together in large numbers even when it isn't the "national rally." Well, I guess I also have to admit that I wouldn't mind being asked to be wagonmaster again either.


I am motorcycle riding in western NC next week. Haven't decided if the the Cyclone or the "little" trailer is going, or if I am just riding down.

If the Cyclone goes we were planning on heading to the coast on Monday, stay at the Hatteras camp for a day or 3 and see any of the hangers on are still there, then head north.


Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
"Well, I guess I also have to admit that I wouldn't mind being asked to be wagonmaster again either."

I saw that:D:rolleyes:.


Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
I am motorcycle riding in western NC next week. Haven't decided if the the Cyclone or the "little" trailer is going, or if I am just riding down.

If the Cyclone goes we were planning on heading to the coast on Monday, stay at the Hatteras camp for a day or 3 and see any of the hangers on are still there, then head north.

Duane, there are a few folks staying over. Can't give you a "how many" though. I have a good handle on when everyone is coming in, but haven't kept up with the departure dates. We'll there until around noon on Monday.


Well-known member
We have our 15 year old son that is going with us, do you know of other children or teenagers (not sure which they rather be called today) that will be there?

Flying Dutchman

Virginia Chapter Leaders - Retired
I am motorcycle riding in western NC next week. Haven't decided if the the Cyclone or the "little" trailer is going, or if I am just riding down.

If the Cyclone goes we were planning on heading to the coast on Monday, stay at the Hatteras camp for a day or 3 and see any of the hangers on are still there, then head north.
We will be staying until Wednesday morning with the Yocum's before heading out to SC for their rally. Stop by and visit.
I nominate Hudson... be WagonMaster again next year for another fall trip to the same campground (or maybe another location in NC?) for a Carolina Pig Picking themed event.

Just think...a celebration of all things bacon; a Carolina pig picking, bacon, baked beans, pigs in a blanket for the kids, country ham biscuits, ham & cheese, ham & eggs (or is that green eggs and ham?), Angels on horseback, Devils on horseback, bacon martinis (Yup! Google it!), bacon bread, even bacon ice cream. Now how can you say "No" to that?


"Well, I guess I also have to admit that I wouldn't mind being asked to be wagonmaster again either."

I saw that:D:rolleyes:.
Our homeschooled daughters are coming with us. Kelley's 14 and Caitlin's 10.

All of you with kids, send me a private EM to see what interests your kids have and see if we can coordinate some things they'd like to do.

My initial thoughts on what our girls like include bikes, sculpey, face painting, Pokemon and Magic card games, board games, card games, exploring the sound (need water shoes, pails, shovels), ghost stories, tunes, computer games, movies on the computer (our North Trail 32QBSS has a great home theater/bedroom), art work, fishing and more.

I helped the girls plan a sale table to sell a few Hawaiian themes items (nothing over $3) and Halloween items (nothing over $2), some purchased, some hand made. They usually like to paint faces free or for tips. They're hoping to earn some spending money for next month's RV trip to Disney World! Otherwise, it's just a fun thing they like to do whenever we RV. Unfortunately, we tend to travel after school's back in session, so the crowds have thinned out by then. But they're learning valuable lessons about small business, supply and demand, customer relations and just having a great time.

We have our 15 year old son that is going with us, do you know of other children or teenagers (not sure which they rather be called today) that will be there?


Well-known member be WagonMaster again next year for another fall trip to the same campground (or maybe another location in NC?) for a Carolina Pig Picking themed event.

Just think...a celebration of all things bacon; a Carolina pig picking, bacon, baked beans, pigs in a blanket for the kids, country ham biscuits, ham & cheese, ham & eggs (or is that green eggs and ham?), Angels on horseback, Devils on horseback, bacon martinis (Yup! Google it!), bacon bread, even bacon ice cream. Now how can you say "No" to that?


Oh man! I am a huge fan of the pig. Oink, oink. Ribs, Pulled Pork........:D


Wesley and Niki Norwood
I heard that too. Large bold red font is your "outdoor voice" Hudson. Careful what you wish for until the rally is over :eek:

lol, I think he was field promoted to wagonmaster for this rally, so if we go ahead and appiont him to wagonmaster for the next one our job is done, right?

Just joking hudson. I know you and your wife along with Gus and his wife have worked very hard on this rally. We all appreciate all of your hard work.


Well-known member
So Jim does that mean "Cook Pig, Jim/they will come"? We have not even been to our first rally yet and are already talking about next year. Gus and Hudson you guys have a lot of expectations to live up to! Where is the boat with the drinks going to be docked? That is where I will be.

Jim & Harriet

Well-known member
next rally

got to love an "everything pig" theme ... maybe in a campground toward the western part of virginia or north carolina ...:)
Tropical Drinks: "The Luau Hoopla"

I'm game!

This is for everyone who wants to participate. For those of us who enjoy an alcoholic tropical drink, let's make some drinks to share. For those of us who would like to taste a virgin tropical drink and for those of us who have kids who love sugary, fruity drinks, join in the jocularity! I haven't forgotten you beer and wine drinkers, either.

If you're so inclined, send me a private email telling me:

what you're planning on making for your drinking pleasure;

whether your drink has alcohol in it or not;

your site number so you can share with your new Rally Friends.

For husbands like mine who'd prefer a cold beer, if you want to share, you can. I know how personal beer selections can be. If you like unusual beers and want to find others like yourself, you can let me know that too. (My husband enjoys anything from Yuengling, Fosters oil drums (green can), Guinness, selections from Stone Brewery, selections from Flying Dog Brewery, etc.) For those of you who enjoy wine, chime in, also, so you can find others with a taste for vino.

I'll keep a record of who's got what where. I can distribute it via email or print some hard copies before we leave to pass out (no pun intended) to y'all!

FYI, I'm planning on making Mai Tai's and Blue Hawaiian's. Care for a cocktail?


Hey, who wants to get together and make up some tropical drinks at this rally?

There are lots of great tropical drinks that are a lot of trouble to make one at a time but that are great for a group of people to make a pitcher full or blender full or even a bucket full (popular in Jamaica I know).

I was going to "coordinate" this because it is one of my favorite things but I'm kind of "coordinated out" from the two themed dinners. (But boy am I glad I did -- this would have been mostly desserts if I'd just left it to chance.) And I still haven't finished with that yet. Yes, I still have four of you to send emails to and one family I haven't heard from at all yet. And I've kind of gotten the impression that a couple of folks aren't entirely happy with getting "coordinated" ... twice. Oops, back to the drinks...

So who all wants to try and get Planter's Punch or Rum Jungle pitchers going? "Do you like Pina Coladas?"

FYI, we checked with the campground about alcohol in the conference center. We can have alcohol. We can serve alcohol to adults. (I don't know if parents can serve alcohol to their minor children like they can in Virginia.) We cannot sell alcohol or anything that contains alcohol. That means we can bring alcohol and drink our own or share with others.

I've got lots of little umbrellas for drinks.:D
OT: Where can I find...

...the interactive map showing where you've traveled that y'all have in your signature lines? I looked around a little on this forum, but it's just so big and I'm so technologically impaired.

Any help you provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Well-known member be WagonMaster again next year for another fall trip to the same campground (or maybe another location in NC?) for a Carolina Pig Picking themed event.

Just think...a celebration of all things bacon; a Carolina pig picking, bacon, baked beans, pigs in a blanket for the kids, country ham biscuits, ham & cheese, ham & eggs (or is that green eggs and ham?), Angels on horseback, Devils on horseback, bacon martinis (Yup! Google it!), bacon bread, even bacon ice cream. Now how can you say "No" to that?


... Sounds like someone's volunteering to be assistant wagonmaster for this. And you just said my two favorite words in the English language: "Ba ... con".


Well-known member
Pig in Western NC

I have to agree that the pig picking has to be up in the NC mountains. There's a CG I've been wanting to try (something like "Gerties"... near Biltmore) ... food for thought (pun intended). However, that makes it too far south to be the East Coast Rally for the NJ group. It could just be the pig rodeo for the people who want to drive that far (SC folks aren't far from this one and neither are the TN folks)
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