Re: Anyone have an Onan Generator in their Landmark 365? - Updated with Install Process
Step #11 - I decided to go with a 1/2" Steel braided Fuel Line from the 2 stage Pressure Regulator to the Generator. (Perhaps a little over kill, but that's just me.) Picture of fitting used at Generator connection.
Step #12 - Installed the Fuel Line Fitting before bolting down the Generator
*** I had to back track here while dong the fuel line install. I had to lift the Generator back out of the hole and install the fuel line to the fitting and then feed the hose up into the fuel tank compartment. There just wasn't enough room to get my hands in between the firewall and generator to connect the line to the fitting with the Generator bolted down. This may have been easier with 3/8" fuel line. Wrestling the 1/2" steel braided line was extremely difficult.
Step #13 - Installed the 4 (3/8" x 16) bolts rom the bottom up. (lots of fun here!)
Step #14 - Joined the wires in the Circuit Box. 2 Whites to White, Black to Black, Black with Yellow Stripe to Red, Green to Ground.
Step #15 - Closed up the Circuit Box. (Note: Hole in firewall could have been a little lower)