Anyone having/had issues with slides and damage?


Took the unit to dealership for warranty work for issues with both slides. The kitchen slide is leaving an indention on my kitchen floor.
The bedroom slide is eating into the carpet in two places. Keep in mind this unit is a 2016, we have had it for 5 months and both of these issues were noticed at month 2 we have just been traveling and couldnt get it into the shop.
According to dealer, Heartland denies kitchen damage altogether - claims that is "normal". So, do any of you Cyclone owners have a dent under the fridge from your slides? I doubt it.
The bedroom slides they authorized .2 hours for adjustment of the slides but denied the caarpet replacement. It is apparent the damage to the carpet is from the slide. Why would they authorize repair of the issue causing the damage but not the damage itself?

This is very frustrating. So, I called and emailed Hearltand twice last week and still have not heard back from them. I am trying to take out the middle mand becuase the dealership said they tried to get them to reconsider already.
Just curious if any one else had has same experience. I do not feel like I should settle on this damage considering the age of the unit and that it is clearly not normal wear and tear.


Founders of SoCal Chapter
You need to call HL service directly. Take some pix so you can email them to HL service. When you call, ask what your dealer asked for in the repairs. Make sure you have your VIN# handy. Let us know what your dealer asked for and what HL told them to do. Might be a whole different story. Some dealers will fudge on the truth. JMHO


Well-known member
I have indents from my kitchen slide as well. While at the Goshen rally this year I asked the service folks to take a look. They did and said it was normal.


Well-known member
Shortly after purchasing my unit the living room slide began tearing the carpet. The dealer repaired the slide adjustment and replaced the carpet per Heartland's instructions. This involved removing the slide so it was not a small deal. You should not have problems with this being repaired under warranty and I would guess that a direct call to Heartland CS would get better results.


Staff member
I agree that having some indentation in the vinyl flooring is normal. That slide and possibly that slide with a refrigerator is going to be heavy. It's gonna dent.
Mine does.
Torn carpet? Better call Heartland on that one.



Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired
We had some slight "marking" on the vinyl, so I asked HL at the national rally to check our slide adjustment. They said the slide was adjusted properly, but gave us some slide-out slickers to put down when retracting the slide.

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