Founding MA Chapter Leader-retired
So this is Bad right?
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Your's Kevin?
Obviously this sealing is required or a change of design is required, possibly some way to allow water to escape from the lower channel so the interior wood structure is not sitting in a pool of water.
I'm afraid so. Just over a week ago I noticed the bubble and when I pulled into the Cape Ann campground on Friday to set up I notices the tear. I'll need to contact Heartland and Lippert tomorrow to see if either will do anything. In looking close at the situation there appears to be now way for water or escape after it goes between the door and the aluminum frame and it appears the there was never any kind of calking applied to the joint. Leading one to believe that a water seal was internal or not required. Obviously this sealing is required or a change of design is required, possibly some way to allow water to escape from the lower channel so the interior wood structure is not sitting in a pool of water.
But if you have seen swelling and knew something was wrong,, why didn't you fix it or get it repaired?
Not sure what brand of ramp door Fuzion uses but Lippert and Challanger are the only two suppliers for ramp doors that I am aware of.
Mine is a 15 door went south in first 3 months of as I sit here waiting for my new door to arrive, I will express what was told to me by Lippert. From what they could tell, my door had suffered some kind of water infiltration causing the door to delaminate. With the new design that was put in place in 2010 this was not a concern for "door failure" but a cosmetic issue. I have to assume that what was meant by that statement was that the overall strength of the door was no adversely affected by the lamination separation nor was the lamination considered structural. From my earlier discussions and review of the construction cross section diagrams, it would appear that the door no longer contains wood as the pre-2010 doors did.
I will document the installation in the Cyclone forum, in a new thread.