Back from Greenwater Lake regional park


We just came back from Greenwater Lake regional park. Cons: 1.Pets are not allowed anywhere at the beach, sucks because our dogs are crazy about water and love to swim. 2. I bet we had the sxxxxxxt spot on the whole camp ground, soft underground and it took two days for the mud to dry. I had to correct the leveling of the camper every day!
3. Hundreds of Moskitos, Flys and Wasp, don't even think about going outside without bugspray. Eating outside? Good luck!
4. Wet fire wood sucks!
Pros: 1.We enjoyed the silence, the wildlife and we found a great hiking trail with access to the lake and not a human soul anywhere near.
2. It's only 150km from our home.

We extended our list of things to purchase, since this was our first camping trip ever (!!!) and looking forward to our next camping trip.
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Hi, Thomas and Petra,

Just wanted to welcome you (as a fellow NC owner) to the world of Heartland RV camping. You'll have lousy spots in great campground, great spots in lousy campgrounds, and, when everything comes out just right, great spots in great campgrounds. We are lucky to have that combination this weekend at Bass Lake in Parish, NY.

Safe travels.