Change garage AC cover?


We have a 3 AC Cyclone 3800. Living room and bedroom units both have "dump" air vents that can be opened to push a large volume of air or be closed to push to air to smaller vents in respective rooms. The garage unit does not. It only has 2 vents - 1 that shoots air directly to the garage TV, and the other on the opposite side that shoots air directly above the top bunk. Both of these vents are useless when we are sitting in the garage. Why would it not be set up the same as the others? Is there an "easy" switch to change the covers with minor re-ducting so that I can enjoy our garage AC?
Not being able to run all 3 AC's (in the desert) is another story for another post for another time. INDIANA - are you listening - help us desert rats enjoy our AC's. We all don't need winterized models!!