Concealed carry permits


I read a thread where a recently widowed woman was going to travel from the east coast to the west coast. She was concerned wether she should carry a weapon with her. Many told here to get a CDL, others told her to carry a big shotgun, others told her not to worry about carrying one especially if she was not comfortable with one. When she was in a campground if anyone was bothering her just step outside and scream help real loud. Probably more than have the campground would be out in a flash with all sorts of firearms.

Sorta looks like that here too... LOL.. I don't have a CDL, and I don't carry a hand gun. Guess I will have the DW just stick her head out the door and scream for help.

That's what we do...


Senior Member
I carry a hand gun in my BH, how ever it is not elligal to carry a weapon in your RV in most western states. In fact the State legislature in AZ has pass a bill that allows all Az. citizens to carry a conceled weapon and no permitt is required. All that is needed is the Govenor to sigh it into law, that may happen Monday. That will make 3 states that allow conceled weapons without a permitt. Alaska, Vermont and soon Arizona.


Active Member
I have a CCW for California and carry a 40 Beretta in the PU and a 357 S&W in the 5th and lots of times there is a NAA Mini Mag in my pocket. We travel alot and I feel more secure with my friends.


Well-known member
I also keep my concealed weapon permit active in the great state of LOUISIANA. It is honored in 23 other states as well. I don't leave home without a loaded pistol. One thing to remind folks of are the places that you cannot carry a firearm even with an active permit: any federal or state building (incl. post office), any courthouse, any designated voting area, any school, any bar or bar area in a restaurant (ex. Logans,Bennigans,Chili's,Appelbees, etc), any church (check your state), any police station, & their is a couple more, but you get the point. Be careful where you are at with a concealed weapon. Also,if you get pulled over on the highway or stopped on foot by a police officer, you need to let them know immediately that you have a weapon on your person and be prepared to be disarmed temporarily & show your permit. Be responsible about your decision to carry.


Original Owners Club Member
There r many active and retired Peace Officers who RV and most all of them will carry. FYI


Well-known member
This has been the most pleasant concealed carry permit thread I have seen. I've seen things get rather unpleasant on certain other forums a time or two. Thanks to all for making this such a great discussion.

I have a concealed carry permit issued in Colorado. To get one approved requires a very extensive background check. It was suggested in my concealed carry class that should you be stopped by a LEO that as a courtesy you should give them your permit along with your license. Since it requires such a thorough background check, I'm told it makes the officer much more comfortable. I got stopped by an officer to check my temporay permit on my truck as he couldn't see it well through my tinted windshield. He asked if I was carrying (I wasn't at the time) and then pretty much all he wanted to talk about was what my preferred concealed carry weapon was. After a very pleasant 15 minute conversation we both went on our way.


Well-known member
I've enjoyed this thread I'm on another forum, and this subject got brought up after someone posted about a couple getting attacked in a campground and the husband getting shot, and almost dieing. I tossed in my .02 worth, and got bashed. I was kind of leery about posting this time. I carry concealed almost all of the time, and have weapons within easy reach in my stick house. DW is familair with firearms, and is seriously thinking about getting her cc permit. My handgun is like the American Express credit card...I don't leave home without it! I refuse to be a victim!!! However one has to keep in mind that there is an awesome responsibility that goes with the privilege.


I allways have a Smith and Wesson 1911 in my Truck console and being as I live In Alaska and working out of my travel trailer in remote locations, I fully intend to keep a 45-70 Guide Gun with me too. I have never had any trouble with people as I have traveld this beutifull state and I choose to believe that most folks are good ( you do have a few loonies out there..... hence the .45 in the console). However My main concern Is bears and and other critters that might decide im on the menu, up here in Alaska your part of the food chain, litterally.


That was somthing that bugged me about purchasing a travel trailer however.....if you get big furry unwanted guest in a Rv you just enjoy a coffe and watch the show out of the window and later drive away if the show get a bit exciting (providing your not plugged in). In a travel trailer are fith wheel you just watch the show and hope your new found 1500 lb furry friend dosent decide to come on in and snuggle with you.


Retired-Full Timer
Very good forum !! I have a retired federal peace officers license , a Texas CHL , and yes , I do carry an HK USP 45 at all times , 13 rounds of federal hydra shock. I have not had any problems in any of the states we have traveled. If stopped , courtesy and having the CHL with your DL , makes it more pleasant for everyone. Travel safe , and may God Bless ya, Al Weaver
Interesting reading all the responses. DW_Gray gave us reference to a couple of's another one - Another source for information and good display maps on reciprocity. And, like Jim, one of my better friends is Mr.Sig also.


Well-known member
I've enjoyed this thread I'm on another forum, and this subject got brought up after someone posted about a couple getting attacked in a campground and the husband getting shot, and almost dieing. I tossed in my .02 worth, and got bashed. I was kind of leery about posting this time. I carry concealed almost all of the time, and have weapons within easy reach in my stick house. DW is familair with firearms, and is seriously thinking about getting her cc permit. My handgun is like the American Express credit card...I don't leave home without it! I refuse to be a victim!!! However one has to keep in mind that there is an awesome responsibility that goes with the privilege.

Like you ,I don't really care what anyone thinks about my carring or not. My choice. Luby's inTexas welcomes CHL holders.
I never leave home without Mr. Browning by my side. Being retired Law enforcement in the state of Idaho, I was issued a ccw permit that is good in all 50 states including Wash DC. I understand that all states will now issue a ccw to retired law enforcement good for the USA.


Original Owners Club Member
True story - Once while in Niagara Falls, Canada I was looking at the falls and a lady came up to me and said, "Officer, can u tell me ..." My first question to her was how did she know I was a Police Officer since I was wearing to identify me as such? She told me I just looked like one. That is scary. With the mobility of our society today I will carry (at least in my vehicle) until the day I die, then put one in the coffin just in case. lol


Active Member
DW is familair with firearms, and is seriously thinking about getting her cc permit. privilege.

Is DW your wife?

Here's something to consider. My wife also has here permit, so we are "covered". But be careful leaving the guns in the glove box or console, etc. Let's say you stay at the RV, and the wife goes to the store. She get's in a fender bender, and for whatever reason, the cop searches the vehicle. If he finds that gun, and your wife does not have a permit, she will be in a heap of trouble, and you will likely lose your gun! Just something to consider. Just because she has a permit, doesn't mean she has to carry, but at least she won't get tossed in the clink if something happens.

And I agree...Very good dialogue, compared to some forums. Nicely done, all.


Well-known member
I too have carried in the past. Because I travel by air so much, I am not carrying right now but I am thinking about it. I also frequent several forums. This is the longest firearms thread I have ever viewed and still no negative nonsense. Hooray for this group.



Active Member
Sorry, this may be a little long winded but at the end there's VERY GOOD reason to have a weapon in your RV. Ohiojay.....I understand completely what you're saying about forgetting a gun in the glovebox etc. But in the case you mentioned, if the Ofcr. actually SEARCHED your car w/o your permission in lets say a fender bender then anything he finds is not admissable because he had no probable cause or permission to search. In Cal. anyway but most states are the same under search and seizure laws.

An example to what you're eluding to.... if you and your wife go out to eat, the show, shopping somewhere and she carrys your gun in her purse because you're wearing shorts and a tank top then that obviously is illegal. THEN she forgets to take the gun out the next day, which could easily happen and she gets stopped for a traffic infraction. While she looks in her purse for her drivers lic. the Ofcr. (who should be watching everything she does) spots the gun and asks if she has a CCW permit....nope, now she could be in trouble depending on the Ofcr.

Now here's just one example to have a weapon in your RV, this occured about 2 yrs ago in fairly quiet and peaceful Cedar City, Utah...about 20 miles north of me. An older couple pulled into the Walmart lot to spend the night. Late at night some guy started beating on the 5th wheel door yelling to let him in. For some unk. reason the wife opened the door and this guy, loaded on meth forced his way in and began beating the wife. The husband shot the crook with his 12 ga. which immediately ended the attack and his life. The wife went to the hospital for a day or two, turned out the husband is a retired Police Officer and obviously still knew how to handle deadly situations.

Even though I'm a retired cop from So. Cal. I have a Utah CCW permit, not good in Nevada or Cal. as of now...or ever probably. After 33 yrs. I've seen way too many victims of violent crimes, I'm NOT going to be one of them......Dave


Well-known member
Yes DW is my wife. My Glock is on my side 99% of the time. Being retired law enforcement I can carry it in all 50 states. If she decides to carry concealed it will be done legally in what ever state we may be in. I have a safe that will be mounted permanently "hidden" somewhere in the 5er.


Well-known member
As a retired LEO I do and always have carried a weapon with me. My gun of choice is a .45 S&W, the same one I used on duty my last 10 years. Just like when I was on duty, I hope I never need to use it.