Concealed carry permits

Draco Dog

Well-known member
We are retired and full-time RVr's. Sold our house and live in our trailer full-time.

We are taking a class in the near future to obtain a Concealed Weapons Permit.

I have a book that you might be interested in. It is titled, "Traveler's Guide to the Firearm Laws of the Fifty States". The book has information on all 50 states regarding gun laws for each state. Each state is on a separate page and very easy to find the information you need to find for each state.

I have just one question:

What good does it do to have a weapon in one place (and locked up), and then to have the ammunition in a separate place? That is just about the dumbest idea I have ever heard.


Past Ohio Chapter Leaders (Founding)
I like this discussion as I have interest in this subject. Although I do not own a gun I have often wanted to take courses. My wife would not care for it though.


Good topic and glad to see it is not taboo.

On my most frequented motorcycle forum ( this topic came up and I was quite surprised at how many of my fellow riders were packing.

That said "then there is New Jersey, New York and CA".

In NJ unless you have a CCP (law enforcement only unless you have a really really good reason to have one) you need to be traveling between your home and a range, gun shop or club to be carrying your pistol locked in the trunk with the ammo locked separately. And you need to have at least a Firearms purchasers ID, which oddly enough is required to buy rifles and shotguns.

New York City - you better be real careful or you will be in jail.

I sure would like to be able to use a CCP here in Jersey, but until......... I have considered getting the UTah permit which seems to have the most latitude with reciprocity.


Active Member
Although I do not own a gun I have often wanted to take courses. My wife would not care for it though.

In my experience, many people feel this way. They don't like them, and they don't like the idea of guns being around. They've seen so many TV shows and movies and news stories about guns, guns, guns, and most are not in a good light. Showing someone a gun up close, in their hands, and showing them how it works and what happens when it's fired helps them "get" the bigger picture. Guns aren't the problem. People are the problem. Once they see how it all works, guns aren't so big a deal anymore. And if you can get them to go to the shooting range, they almost always come away smiling.

Maybe I'll try to arrange for us to do some handgun shooting at the Ohio rally this summer. The range at the Cardinal Center is outdoors, so maybe they'll let us.


Active Member
I like this discussion as I have interest in this subject. Although I do not own a gun I have often wanted to take courses. My wife would not care for it though.

I'd like to share my viewpoint as a "like-minded DW".

I've never been a big fan of guns since my brother and my cousin both used theirs to end their very young lives. However, I know that this was not the fault of the guns, but due to "choices". The tragedy of these events has made me leery of having weapons easily accessible.

However, my stance was very challenged on our recent trip to Mexico. In Mexico, carrying any guns or ammo is illegal and NOT recommended as you WILL go to jail.

So, who's carrying guns in Mexico? The drug dealers, criminals and outlaws, that's who!

And who is getting shot and killed regularly in Mexico? Ordinary people on the streets, in restaurants or in the marketplaces.

Right after we got back to the States, we were told about a man and his wife in an RV park in Mexico that were attacked by two men masquerading as LEO's. They had tied up the park security guard and picked their rig out of all the others to invade. The husband stopped the attack at the door of their rig, however, he did get shot in the leg and seriously injured. The criminals ran away after shooting him.

I hope that any like-minded criminals are reading this forum. They might want to think very hard about trying anything like that in any State-side RV park. :rolleyes:

DH has a story he loves to tell from a Paul Harvey program. He asks the question, "Which nation on the face of the earth has the lowest crime rate and why?"

The answer: Switzerland and the reason why:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gun politics in Switzerland
are unique in Europe. The personal weapon of militia is kept at home as part of the military obligations. Switzerland has one of the highest militia gun ownership rates in the world.

I don't want to turn this thread into something negative as I very much enjoy the free flow of discussion that goes on here. I know that there are lots of strong opinions out there on this subject. I've never had a "strong" opinion that would cause me to challenge the rights of another person, but as this world continues to slide in the wrong direction, I do have a strong opinion that we need to have the right to choose to bear arms. I'm glad to see that there are so many out there that are handling this matter in a considered and careful way. :)

Delaine and Lindy

Well-known member
I never owned a Hand Gun until I retired from the Military. However after seeing so many home invasions and needless killings. I went and got a C/C permit and have owned had guns since 1993 and never leave home without a weapon. I have had Long rifles and Shot Guns since I was given my first rifle at the age of 10. As a matter of fact we used our stimilus money to buy Guns and Ammo and do have several rounds. Just bought a "Judge" awesome weapon, the name came from so many Judges who have them. Its a awesome weapon, fires 410 gauge rounds or 45 cal. DW has her own weapon and knows how to use it. Every Weapon we have is loaded. Never forget that a deadly weapon has only one purpose. I still believe that its better to be Judged by 12 than carried by 6. GBY....


Well-known member
Draco Dog,
The reason for "storing " your weapon and ammo separatly is for keep someone unfamilar (child/untrained adult) from gaining access to them and having an accident. With that in mind, the firearm owner has to make a decision about having a loaded firearm in the home (stick or RV). With the way things are these days, I opt to have my firearm (several of them) loaded in my home. You never know who is knocking on your door or what their purpose is. My feeling is that if a bad guy knocks on my door with bad intentions, I'm going to knock back with a high caliber knock! An unloaded gun is only an expensive club should you need it for self defense. I always look before I open the door! I don't have to worry about children in the home now, except for my grandson. When my children were young, one day I got out some of my guns, and showed them, along with a talk about guns. Children are curious about many things. They see "adults" doing things, they want to try it. I showed them that the firearms were unloaded, and let them hold them, keeping in mind muzzle control, and told them what a gun can do if misused. I also told them that they may see a gun in the house and they should always think that it is loaded, and not touch it (any loaded guns were hidden). I then told them that if they ever wanted to look at one of my firearms, or to shoot it to tell me and that we would do it. At least for my children, to my knowledge this has worked. I've also had the talk with my grandson.

While reading the comments on this I'm pleased that all the discussions have been very civil. Everyone has the right to their own opinion and decisions. We are very lucky in this country that our Founding Fathers included the 2nd Ammendment in our Constitution. I was just wondering how many of us belong to the NRA? Right, wrong, or indifferent, they are the only organization that are fighting for us to keep this right. The way things are going, it's possible we may lose it in the future.

Sorry for the long post, but this is something I feel strongly about. I'm off the soap box now!


Active Member
i believe the judge to be the perfect vehicle weapon and now that i think about it it would be good for the 5er i personnaly carry a s&w cs 45
I never owned a Hand Gun until I retired from the Military. However after seeing so many home invasions and needless killings. I went and got a C/C permit and have owned had guns since 1993 and never leave home without a weapon. I have had Long rifles and Shot Guns since I was given my first rifle at the age of 10. As a matter of fact we used our stimilus money to buy Guns and Ammo and do have several rounds. Just bought a "Judge" awesome weapon, the name came from so many Judges who have them. Its a awesome weapon, fires 410 gauge rounds or 45 cal. DW has her own weapon and knows how to use it. Every Weapon we have is loaded. Never forget that a deadly weapon has only one purpose. I still believe that its better to be Judged by 12 than carried by 6. GBY....


Tennessee Chapter Leaders
I also carried for a living and will always carry to live. I appreciate all that take the time for training because if something happens in public there is a pretty good chance of having armed back up. My job now does not allow a weapon on person nor property and it gives me such an empty feeling being unarmed. When at our farm I don't let my DW out alone without her .22 revolver loaded with a shot shell every other round. Never know when an unanounced/uninvited guest or snake/coyote will show up.


Active Member
I have to ask, after seeing it a few times: What does DW stand for? And what is a stick? (Sorry to get of track. But if I'm ever going to fit in, I need the lingo!!! LOL)

I live in one of the best counties in the country, in a golf course community, with friendly neighbors all around. Several years ago, I had to walk a salesman off of my porch at gunpoint!! I told him two times to leave, but he continued to through a screaming fit on my porch!! Even after leveling a 12 gauge shotgun on him at his eye level, he was still belligerant!! He did leave, allbeit very slowly, and still screaming at me. You never know where or when something may happen, but it's nice to be prepared. He went on to a neighbors house around the corner. Because of the layout of the neighborhood, she saw all the action on my front porch from her back door. He knocked on her door, but she went upstairs (unarmed). He then entered the garage, and was knocking on the garage entry door to the house. She later said she wanted to call me, but she had left the phone downstairs, and was too afraid to go down and get it. Some salesman, huh?


Well-known member
I've had my concealed carry permit for over 10 years. Hardly ever leave home without my Springfield XD. When I'm on the road, I have one in the truck and one in the trailer. Far too many freaks out there these days..(sadly)

I have to ask, after seeing it a few times: What does DW stand for?

I too would like to know what that stands for. I've seen "BH" (Better half), but "DH" is foreign to me.

Updated: Googled to find that it stands for "Dear Wife". I suppose the inverse is "DH" (Dear Husband).


Well-known member
I saw in the paper the other day that Vermont passed a conseal carry law no permit required, as have 8 other States. Would be nice if all States had it.
I have a CCW for California and carry a 40 Beretta in the PU and a 357 S&W in the 5th and lots of times there is a NAA Mini Mag in my pocket. We travel alot and I feel more secure with my friends.

How did you get your CCW for CA? I do carry my guns in the trailer but not in my truck. What's the point on carry a gun if you cannot have it loaded in the truck "legally". My LEO buddies say its very tuff for one in CA. They say you need a darn good reason for it.
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How did you get your CCW for CA? I do carry my guns in the trailer but not in my truck. What's the point on carry a gun if you cannot have it loaded in the truck "legally". My LEO buddies say its very tuff for one in CA. They say you need a darn good reason for it.

Hey done-it-again,

Some county's in CA give more freely than others. In the big cities and more populated areas they are hard to get. You can "Open Carry" in CA, so if you don't conceal in your truck and have the gun unloaded, but the ammo available to load quickly, I believe from all the law I've read, it's legal. If you're real worried about being legal? The criminals sure aren't!! Do you get stopped very much? If it's concealed, who knows you have it?

I'd rather be explaining why I had a gun when I defended myself to a jury, than have 6 of my friends carrying me or a loved one out of the church... I've taken the 2nd Ammendment as my CCW for a long time now, and will until they start "shall issue" in California..

Regards, Hamshog


Active Member
Never thought this thread would start here, but boy am I pleased at the responses! Seems a lot of us carry and transport our personal choice for protection, but I wonder how many have given thought to following penetration of those pistol rounds out beyond the intended target. Camper walls are somewhat thin especially compared to our stick homes. I would suggest a bird shot round from a short barreled 12ga. would be all you would want to fire off inside the camper so as not to injure the camper in the next site. Of course should we have to go outside got to love those Federal Hydrashock 45's. The Judge IS a great choice for the "camping situation" as well as the truck. It's next on the "want" list. I wonder if I can use that excuse to get a larger safe?

Jim B-----You know there is a skeet/trap/sporting clays course about 3 miles from Willow Tree in SC where this yrs. state chapter is meeting this month as well as you. Might be some interest in the future for a shoot to be included during the rally time! Maybe this fall!