Concealed carry permits


I love gun talk. I grew up with guns, and was taught gun safety from my father. Here in Alaska it is legal to conceal carry without a permit. Ninety percent of the people who live here own guns, mainly for hunting. Home invasions don't happen my neighborhood :) I always have a gun in the truck and carry a 12 gauge while camping...those pesky brown bears!
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Draco Dog

Well-known member
I sure miss Alaska. We spent several years in that beautiful state. 3 years out of Sitka and 5 years out of Ketchikan. Working at logging camps. I always loved the float-plane rides. There is no state more perfect than Alaska.


Past South Carolina Chapter Leader
Thanks for bumping this back up Jimmy.
Sam and I will be taking the Concelaed Permit class this spring.
I have am not a huge gun fanatic. i have shot a few times. Sam on the other hand owns guns and has taken several courses on shooting and is pretty good at it.

I am looking forward to class. Not really sure what I am going to do with it when its over though...just have an interest in taking the class.


Well-known member
In ref. to this thread. If you are RVing with your family, you should invest in a firearm. I will not tell you what type, but one you are familiar with or can handle. I'm a 17 year Law Enforecment Officer and a Veteran. Short story, while parked in a reststop on the Florida Turnpike, a couple of young men tried to get into my RV while my family & I were inside. It didn't go too well for them, will not go into detail, but my wife, daughter, dog, & I were able to fend them off with a pistol grip 12 gauge shotgun. So yes, it can save a life, maybe yours or your family. As far as concealed permits are considered, check the state you will be traveling to and through. Most do honor Florida's CC permit.


Prolifically Gabby Member
Simply put...yes. I have a Michigan CPL and the only time I don't carry something is when I'm responding from home to the fire station.


Well-known member
In ref. to this thread. If you are RVing with your family, you should invest in a firearm. I will not tell you what type, but one you are familiar with or can handle. I'm a 17 year Law Enforecment Officer and a Veteran. Short story, while parked in a reststop on the Florida Turnpike, a couple of young men tried to get into my RV while my family & I were inside. It didn't go too well for them, will not go into detail, but my wife, daughter, dog, & I were able to fend them off with a pistol grip 12 gauge shotgun. So yes, it can save a life, maybe yours or your family. As far as concealed permits are considered, check the state you will be traveling to and through. Most do honor Florida's CC permit.

Found these comments very interesting!

My neighbor, a Lt. on our local Police Dept. and three State Troopers that I have spoken with about RVin and firearms.....ALL offered the same advice......nearly word for word! They each offered this fact said it would be foolish NOT to have a firearm in the RV.

Yes.....I do follow their advice, we are protected when we travel.

Travel Safe!


Prolifically Gabby Member
Found these comments very interesting!

My neighbor, a Lt. on our local Police Dept. and three State Troopers that I have spoken with about RVin and firearms.....ALL offered the same advice......nearly word for word! They each offered this fact said it would be foolish NOT to have a firearm in the RV.

Yes.....I do follow their advice, we are protected when we travel.

Travel Safe!

Ya gotta figure, most of us with big RV's are getting a little long in the tooth and give the appearance that we've got money. That makes us look like easy prey for the S4B's out there looking for a quick buck. We're expected to cringe and cry for our lives when threatened, praying for some mystical power to save us. That ain't gonna happen, so you better be ready to save your own keister. As the saying goes, " When seconds count, the police are just minutes away."


Active Member
I wish. I wish. I wish. Good old Canada says no go! Lots of toys, alas, range use only. You all (y'all) are lucky.


Well-known member
i am new to rving but not weapons. i'm a 30plus year police officer and 27yr military veteran. if anyone is rving, i highly suggest some type of protection. things aren't getting any safer and your family and you deserve to be protected. what ever type of weapon you get, everyone in your rv should be able to use it effectively. not trying to scare anyone, this is just the way of the world and we should/must adapt to it. i have used mine in the line of duty more than once, but i'm still here to type this. rving is becoming more fun everyday i use it. i want to be around to keep enjoying it. now if i can just get this backing up thing down, i'll be good to go. lol...


Well-known member
Nice website, thanks! Already printed out the map of where I can carry.

Not only this is a nice website, I think it's the first organization that provides "Self-Defense SHIELD." Self-Defense SHIELD is an insurance-backed membership benefit that will pay for your competent, pro-2nd Amendment lawyer, so you can confidently carry your gun without having to fear losing everything when you're forced to use it.

I paid my my Self-Defense SHIELD membership, but I hope I never have to use it.
We are about to retire; buying residential property in FL at some point this year, perhaps a sixplex (one for the kids and the other for income). Also an RV as while we are able to we would like to see this great land of ours. Presently living in the Toronto area but spend much time stateside as half the family and friends are there. Have several CFP's but not a one is good in FL. How does one go about getting good to carry in FL before setting up home? We may RV full time for two or three years before we settle.

There are, of course, no carry permits in Canada, but we love to compete IPSC and are joining GSSF as well.

Have had an attempted carjacking in Orlando in broad daylight by an armed thug and not one, but TWO, attempted home invasions. We intend to travel only where we can protect ourselves and would surely like FL to be one of those states. We are good in about 40 states at present and look forward to a federal reciprocity law that does not impinge on state rights to issue under scrutiny but perhaps sets those criteria (no whackos and no felons is where I think I would start).


We are about to retire; buying residential property in FL at some point this year, perhaps a sixplex (one for the kids and the other for income). Also an RV as while we are able to we would like to see this great land of ours. Presently living in the Toronto area but spend much time stateside as half the family and friends are there. Have several CFP's but not a one is good in FL. How does one go about getting good to carry in FL before setting up home? We may RV full time for two or three years before we settle.

There are, of course, no carry permits in Canada, but we love to compete IPSC and are joining GSSF as well.

Have had an attempted carjacking in Orlando in broad daylight by an armed thug and not one, but TWO, attempted home invasions. We intend to travel only where we can protect ourselves and would surely like FL to be one of those states. We are good in about 40 states at present and look forward to a federal reciprocity law that does not impinge on state rights to issue under scrutiny but perhaps sets those criteria (no whackos and no felons is where I think I would start).

Hi TorontoGunGuy,

Welcome to the Heartland Owners Forum and hopefully to the family. We have a great bunch of people here with lots of information and all willing to share their knowledge if needed.

Hopefully you will decide on a Heartland unit to full time in. We have a lot of members full timing in Heartlands now, so if you have questions, just ask.

Enjoy the forum.

Jim M


Prolifically Gabby Member
We are about to retire; buying residential property in FL at some point this year, perhaps a sixplex (one for the kids and the other for income). Also an RV as while we are able to we would like to see this great land of ours. Presently living in the Toronto area but spend much time stateside as half the family and friends are there. Have several CFP's but not a one is good in FL. How does one go about getting good to carry in FL before setting up home? We may RV full time for two or three years before we settle.

There are, of course, no carry permits in Canada, but we love to compete IPSC and are joining GSSF as well.

Have had an attempted carjacking in Orlando in broad daylight by an armed thug and not one, but TWO, attempted home invasions. We intend to travel only where we can protect ourselves and would surely like FL to be one of those states. We are good in about 40 states at present and look forward to a federal reciprocity law that does not impinge on state rights to issue under scrutiny but perhaps sets those criteria (no whackos and no felons is where I think I would start).

You can start by going through the information at this website.


Well-known member
Florida is one of the few states that issues ccw to non-residents. You can apply by mail.

Edit: You do have to be a US Citizen or Permanent Resident, you dont have to live in FL though.


Florida is one of the few states that issues ccw to non-residents. You can apply by mail.

Edit: You do have to be a US Citizen or Permanent Resident, you dont have to live in FL though.

We have two important issues here . . . . carring a hand gun in the RV for your protection; the other is carring a concealed wepon on your person.

1. Gun laws vary state to state; however i believe that it is generally accepted to carry a handgun in an RV for you and your family protection. We are fulltiimers and our RV is our home!! If you are attacked in your RV by crazies, you need to take whatever steps you can to protect yourself. After the fact of using a handgun or shotgun, you will have to deal with the police. I can't believe that anyone would fault you for protecting yourself.

2. As to carring a hand gun on your person you can get a carry permit from almost all states. I have a Florida permit that is accepted by a lot of states. You can get a Florida permit as a non-resident. You can get a non-resident permit in other states such as Utah. Having a permit in Fl and Utah will cover you in a lot of states. I think that Virginia has a not-resident permit. In Vermont you do not need a permit to carry; I think that is for Alaska as well.

If you have a weapon in your RV or on person, you have an obligation for knowing how to use it. You have to get out there and shoot it. A handgun makes a lot of noise, and you need to be prepaid. A lady on this post has a .357 in a lightweight pistol. I don't know if she knows it, but the .357 in a light gun will have a terrific kick. She needs to shoot it.


scott b

Active Member
I don't mean to rustle any feathers, however for those of you considering a Hand gun for self defense in your rv or home , you are really limiting your ability to protect your selves and your property with a pistol. Having a weapon no matter what it is a good idea, however having the ability to use it no matter how proficient you are under the( stress of the moment) is another thing. I think that for this reason among others a Shotgun is a much better choice, any pistol has only one small projectile coming out of the barrel , where as a Shotgun has as many as 200 depending on the type of ammo you are using. If you are ever confronted with the real possibility of having to use any weapon as a tool of protection , you are much better off shooting at your intended target with a bunch of little hornets than one bullet, in addition if you are boon docking and have a aggressive Coyote, Bear or other threatening critter , a Shotgun is a much better choice. Short barrel shotguns are easy to maneuver even in the confines of an RV are relatively inexpensive and can be used without the need for a concealed weapons permit.

I am not trying to discourage any of you from buying a weapon for self defense as i believe it is our duty to ourselves and our family to protect ourselves . No matter which weapon you choose , get lots of good instruction and become familiar with the use of it.

I am basing these comments on a lifetime of competitive shooting, as well as articles written in various shooting publications. Hope everyone has a great day.....Scott


Oklahoma Chapter Leaders
Scott makes a good point. I travel with four, one of my sidearms, shotgun, rifle and the combo (Taurus Judge) and situation dictates. Also, if you don't hit the mark the bullet out of a pistol or rifle is going somewhere. That brings into play the other RVs (if any) around you. JMHO.