Cyclone Sighted in San Angelo State Park, TX


Well-known member
When I went out to my local backing range (San Angelo State Park) this morning for more fifth wheel backing practice I noticed a Cyclone was set up there. I was wondering if the owners of that Cyclone are members of this forum. I didn't want to disturb anyone that might be there because I know there are a lot of oil field workers in RVs around here and they might have been shift workers.


Well-known member
Wasn't me but I was at Lake Nasworthy in June, for the dragboat race. There were two other Cyclone's there also.


Well-known member
Yeah, I saw that you and some others were going to be here then, but we were off in Colorado (I think) at the time. Our residence is on Lake Nasworthy right behind the church at Knickerbocker and American Legion Road. It gets a little hectic out here during race week.