Diesel Prices

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Well-known member
When I put my 3055 in storage for the winter, I also put my duramax in storage just to boycott the high diesel prices. Apparently my boycott didn't have much affect.
I paid $3.69 a gal for diesel in the Tampa Bay area of Fla. A failed energy policy and greedy speculators..It doesn't help when we have a program using $4.00 of energy to produce $2.00 in ethenol. WAKE Up America!!!


Well-known member
I thank my stars I own my own business so I can write off all our fuel. I try to always make a business trip out of most of our trips. Being a fire truck dealer all I have to do is visit a few fire stations on each trip and hand out business cards and info on the trucks. Fuel cost are making me raise mileage charge to my customers every month or so on service calls. I never had to do that before. All I can do is pass it on to them.


Well-known member
All I can say, is anyone who willingly lives or travels in California has got to be missing a few marbles somewhere.


In Australia we are paying around $1.55 per litre, which converts approx to $6 US per gallon. But then more than half that goes directly to government as tax. You can just hear the government cheer as the price goes up and up as their revenue goes up too without them having to announce new taxes.

The price is having a huge affect on everyday prices, and that is driving up our interest rates. We sold our house six months ago while we could get out, and now full time in our Sudance. If we still had the house now, with the latest interest rate rises, there would not have been enough hours in the day to work to pay the bank. At least with the RV, while diesel may be expensive, it is still much cheaper overall than holding the house, and we only use a lot of fuel when we move our house.



Paid $3.99 Wednesday, came by the station today and it was $4.09. (Beaumont, CA.) WOW!! What is going be by June??



Founding Wisconsin Chapter Leader-Retired
$3.89 for diesel in south central WI today (Sheboygan). Why is it 0.70 higher than gas?


Active Member
It's capitalism, the oil companies will charge whatever the market will bear. Unfortunately, they have a captive market...what else are you going to burn in your truck?
Let's face it, if gasoline gets too high, most people find other ways to get around like car-pooling, smaller cars, and mass transit. But truckers cannot "take the bus" and the train system is not extensive enough so oil companies have them over a barrel, (so to speak) and they have a built in market always ready to buy their diesel at whatever the price. Eventually, we consumers pay that price in the higher costs of trucked goods.
My two-cents worth anyway :)


Well-known member
i really like the fact that i retired 6-1-06 and now have a 2007 chevy cc with duramax/allison.i drive small bus for county part time to pay for truck that i cant drive!!!!oh well i missed all the wars ,the depression(at least the last one that is }was gonna sell my 07 zeppelin and buy 5er.not sure why now!!!!im snowed in in ohio this lovely march day so i am venting ,sorry,ps i hate the oil companys with their record profits!!bob


I own one truck and only run in the southeast states. A year ago my fuel bill was around $1100.00 a week. This past week I paid $1850.00. Mile were about the same too. People will not pay enough fuel surcharge to make up the difference. I'm thinking about parking my truck and get another job because the way its going its only getting worse.


Well-known member
$3.89 for diesel in south central WI today (Sheboygan). Why is it 0.70 higher than gas?

someone correct me if I am wrong:

Diesel is now cleaner with (most) all the sulfur removed thus it costs more to manufacture.

This has created a problem with some of our heavy equipment. We have to add diesel supplements @ $12 per 300 gallons. We burn a couple thousand gallons a week.

I wish I had stock in Exxon.



Active Member
It's 3.99 here in CT. Time to go looking for aftermarket upgrades to increase milage, (intake, exhaust, chip!) As Price increase payback time will shorten.


Well-known member
Fuel is 3.79 to 3.89 in GA. Off road is 3.13 to 3.39 . Older emissions motors. Sweet!
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