Well as of yesterday fuel is down to $2.69. 5 months ago it was $4.95. Thats about a $2.30 drop in price. Whats up with that? Gas is about $2.10. I remember the late 70's and early 80's and what was going on with gas prices. Excuse was an oil embargo. But I have 1'st hand knowledge of that, I think that it was contrived. By whom I really dont know. You see my father, and a very dear and long time friend both worked in oil refineres at that time. Also at that time I worked in the Long Beach area of California. Every day there were at least 20 oil tankers sitting "low" in the water off the coast. This is where my father and my friend come in. I would ask them both what was going on. The answer was "our holding tanks are full and we can't unload the ships and all our finished product tanks are full". Now maybe some of the really knowledgeable people can weigh in and correct me about my opinion about what is really going on. Who is telling us the truth, the Government, the oil companies? Just who! IMHO Bob