Dish Satellite some questions


Well-known member
I have Dish Outdoors with Local programing and I have some questions I need help with. We are at our 'wintering' site and have a fixed dish antenna so not currently using King Tailgater but will when we travel.

1. We are getting ready to start traveling again and understand that when we arrive at our destination we can change our location using the Dish app. Which app? (MyDish or Dishanywhere) and how do you do it?

2. Finally resolved this issue. FYI...I took every connecting point and made sure they were clean, tight and not shorted. The last thing that I checked was the short HDMI cable I had purchased to go from Wally to wall connector. This HDMI cable had the ends that would pivot up and down, I guess to allow being closer to wall. Replaced this with standard, straight HDMI cable and problem went away. Must have been slight movement in one of the pivot points that caused issue. All is well in "Mudville."

I have an intermittent problem with loss of Audio. No change in picture but at extremely random time intervals, sound will drop out for several seconds and then return. I have checked ALL connections (currently connected to coax where it enters slide to bypass 95% of RV coax). I have used extension cords to plug into different electrical outlets in case it is some type of electrical spike without help. I have rebooted many times. Have contacted Dish support and run system checks without change. Turned off Dolby Sound (tech support) no help. Looking for any ideas on solution. DW not happy and you know what that means.
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Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
For #1. Use the MyDISH app.

Can’t help with number 2. Sorry

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Legendary Member
Lou and Bette, I've been experiencing the no sound problem that, for the most part, very intermittent. I have been waiting it out and it only lasts a few seconds. I thought it was something on the program I was watching.


Well-known member
Lou and Bette, I've been experiencing the no sound problem that, for the most part, very intermittent. I have been waiting it out and it only lasts a few seconds. I thought it was something on the program I was watching.

Jay, I thought the same thing, but it didn't change over several months. My problem was across the entire spectrum of Satellite channels but was not present when I used OTA/Cable. I thought it might be intermittent signal blockage since we do have trees but, after studying the weather, noticed it didn't matter if there was wind or not. Try changing the HDMI cable that runs from Satellite box to HDMI plug on wall. I really don't know for sure if it was the cable or just the connection but the problem disappeared when I changed it so it really doesn't matter what the root cause was. Bette is once again happy



Do you know what satellites you are viewing when at the home base?
Do you have to use a different receiver when on the road?


Well-known member

Do you know what satellites you are viewing when at the home base?
Do you have to use a different receiver when on the road?

Currently I am watching Satellites in the Eastern Arc. We set up a regular house antenna on my power pole here in our winter spot on our daughters property. I got a Wally receiver when we started our on service. We were an RV addition to our son's home Dish subscription and he dropped Dish so we needed our own subscription. I use the same
Wally receiver wile on the road. Not sure if the problem I have when traveling is due to the way the Wally reacts to the portable antenna (Older King tailgater) or if it is the antenna itself. It receives only the Western Arc and when I change the channel from a program on 129 to one on 110 it notifies me it does see that bird when I know it does. So, if I go to a program on 119 and then to 110 all is good. Real PITA


Currently I am watching Satellites in the Eastern Arc. We set up a regular house antenna on my power pole here in our winter spot on our daughters property. I got a Wally receiver when we started our on service. We were an RV addition to our son's home Dish subscription and he dropped Dish so we needed our own subscription. I use the same
Wally receiver wile on the road. Not sure if the problem I have when traveling is due to the way the Wally reacts to the portable antenna (Older King tailgater) or if it is the antenna itself. It receives only the Western Arc and when I change the channel from a program on 129 to one on 110 it notifies me it does see that bird when I know it does. So, if I go to a program on 119 and then to 110 all is good. Real PITA

We switched to dish when we moved. DirecTV wanted a 2 year commitment at full price to change our address.

So far I do not like dish. Channel lineup, programming, recording etc. Was not able to align my portable dish at the last camp and and swapping out the roof top unit is not as simple as it sounds if you are an eastern arc viewer, which we are.

DTV was first in with SAT acquisitions of the 99-101-103 spots. And it makes a difference.