Yes I ordered it from CW, they had it on sale. I'm not sure if it is now or not. They are made to order from the factory and arrived in 6-7 days. They install was not too bad, about 1 1/2 hours. I was on a fairly steep downslope on that side and it was a little difficult because of that. I did it alone, but I recommend that you have help installing the mounting rail and sliding the awning into that rail. You really need 4 hands, 2 at each end (about 12 feet apart), otherwise it is tough. I ordered it with the metal shield to match the awning, and it extends about 6 -8 inches beyond the windows. Freight ran about $75 because of the length, and the delivery address has to be accessible to an 18 wheeler or pick it up at the truck terminal. It really helps a lot keeping the sun out. The color is fawn.