Electric wires behind fridge after switch to normal Fridge

For context, purchased my 2015 Trail Runner with a dead Dometic fridge. Since I'm living in it, and permanently parked, I bought a standard mini fridge and ripped the Dometic out (thanks for the suggestion Heartland community!).

After disconnecting the wiring from the fridge, I was left with two red and white wires. Currently, they are taped off. One definitely controls power to my range hood fan/light and sink light. The other I'm not sure. I have a good working understanding of home 120v wiring so I tried connecting them in a junction box and pigtailed the power from the outlet. This blew a fuse.

Do I disconnect the battery as well as unplug the RV, then connect power to the lines again? I'm worried Ill damage the fuse box.

Pics coming.

Soon I will put paneling up l, so I want to solve the wiring issue before I do. Thanks everyone!


Well-known member
I agree with hoefler's comment above; one set as you stated went to the range hood/ fan etc. The other set was probably set for the fridge, as it required 12vdc to operate, pull the fuse for the fridge & check for voltage on that set. Red should be the 12vdc+ & white 12vdc-.