Elusive Bulkhead Leak!


Past Washington Chapter Leaders
Upon close inspection of the molding on the roof, there were some air bubbles that revealed small holes when popped.

Sorry about your roof! Were the bubbles in the molding (vinyl covering) or in the caulking along the molding?


Well-known member
I found that my Prowler dripped some water from the same location after a rain but not when I washed the trailer on a nice warm day, including scrubbing the roof. Upon close inspection of the molding on the roof, there were some air bubbles that revealed small holes when popped. I did hit a tree and put a couple of small holes in the roof, I patched them but also found a couple of areas where the tree scraped the edge of the roof and roughed up the rubber pretty bad from 2 to 3 feet long. After seeing those locations I will probably have the roof replaced so hopefully this will not be an issue going forward.

When you patched your roof did you just use sealant, our did you use the repair tape? I had major roof edge molding deformation and rubber roof side tears due to (I believe) a backing in encounter with an overhanging tree at the side of a space. I used the wide, thick, self-adhesive tape from Dicor followed up with Dicor lap seal at the edges of the tape, and am confident in this repair. I am also more aware and cautious of overhanging obstructions when space parking, as I RV solo.