This is an "informational - not to worry" heads up.
Our one pup, Sir Regis, started having seizures shortly after Lake George.
He is currently on meds and we are working on getting his "loading level" set in his system.
So, the point is, at any time he may drop and start his dance. He will be OK after a minute or two and a be bit lethargic for awhile afterwords.
We will be able to handle these episodes OK (some of us better then the other) so, not to worry. It it best to not show emotion or try to jump in and help.
He doesn't "foam at the mouth" or have bladder bowel issues during these events.
If you have children coming you might want to educate them a bit so they are not unduly alarmed.
And when he is back on his feet he will accept all affection.
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