That is great news!Glad you can join us.We know you will have a great time.Looking forward to seeing you there.I do have some bad news for Tater.Sammy is no longer with us.He was hit by a truck back in January.He was a really good dog and we miss him.On a brighter note we will see you in a few weeks.Hallie, Tater and I will be there. Looking forward to the rally. Looking forward to Tater burning up some energy!
Randy if you can't find those hot dog sticks,don't worry.We have a couple of extra ones.Looking forward to it.Terry, Santha told me to start looking for our hot dog sticks. They are here
some where. I had better find them. Randy, Santha and & Poodles
Julie,Renee says that would be great.ThanksHi, can't wait to see y'all at 4 paws. If you haven't got all three crockpot desserts. I'll bring one. I've never tried it before so you can be my guinea pigs . . . let me know.
Randy,I hink the key word here is Dessert!I never met a dessert I didn't like.Let us know what you think about Santha's creation.Terry Santha is going to make a crockpot dessert also. I am the test person.
It is a hard job. Randy
Randy,Tell Santha thank you and that a cheesecake will be fine.See you in a few days.Terry & PHIL, It looks like Santha and I will arrive on Wednesday so we can welcome all of the early arrivals.
I am guessing that would be us. Santha has tried 3 crockpot cakes and is not satisfied with the results.
I have ate the failures but She rules the kitchen Santha said that She would like to make a cheesecake
for Friday. Randy, Santha & the poodles .