Texas North Chapter Leaders-retired
Can you put Karen down for the CHL class?
Thank you,
Will do, Rex!
Can you put Karen down for the CHL class?
Thank you,
I'm not getting in the middle of thisbut in my experience dogs are an impeccable judge of character. Knowing Dolly as I do, I'm sure she's no exception!
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I wouldn't be too sure about her "judge of character", she does hang around with me a lot. Where are you guys now? I am sitting in Pagosa Springs until the 28th and then moving over to Creede. If you all pass through here, let me know and I will wave at you.
You know Dan and Ann Mayer live in Pagosa Springs don't you?
Beryl and Donna will be in site 64 beginning evening of Thursday the 8th with the newest member of our family 10 week old Sheltie we call Bella. This is our first rally and we are really excited!
Unfortunately, once again we will not make another North Texas Rally.I am hoping we can make the next one. It is taking us longer to make the transition to full timing than we estimated. We will miss being with our Heartland North Texas friends. I called and canceled our reservations with Mill Creek.
What size is the shirt, Erika? Another thing would be a box of 100 Winchester 9mm.
Rats, we will miss you guys! Could you come for just the day, (without the rig) like we are?