Friday night-meals on your own. There are many good restaurants in the area from barbecue, Mexican, Oriental buffet, pizza, sandwiches, etc. About anything you can imagine is available within a short distance.
Fireside chat at my site
9:00AM-Saturday morning potluck breakfast-please bring a breakfast dish to share. Coffee will be furnished. Please bring your own plates, utensils and coffee cup.
Saturday lunch-on your own.
Ron Hoover RV will have two display units for us to look at-all day on Saturday.
Rally hall will be available for cards and other games.
Cary Hall, former owner of a Sundance has volunteered to do seminars on geneology and scrapbooking in the afternoon in the rally hall.
6:00PM-Saturday evening meal-Ron Hoover RV will furnish gumbo. Please bring a plate or bowl and utensils and drink of your choice.
Please remain for door prizes and chat. Fireside chats after at my site.
We're going to have a great time!