15 rigs so far
Okay folks, we have 15 rigs signed up so far for this rally. Next week I'm going to head on over to the KOA and sit down with them with the rig sizes and preferences. Once we've assigned everyone to a site, I'll know what kind of sites we have left. Also, if the campground still has the flexibility I'll try to make sure that everyone gets their first choice but so far that is looking very good with the sites we already set aside for the rally. After that I'll make up an informal agenda. Remember this is going to be a pretty laid back rally compared to some others, but there will be some semblance of order so we all know what night to plan for pot luck, what restaurants we might want to truckpool over to, what daytime events are near by, etc.
I do have some excellent news for avid book readers: the Green Valley Book Fair will be open that weekend! If you know what this is, you'll be happy to know that you're camping about 15 minutes away from it. If you don't know what it is, well, it's the size of a convention center with over 500,000 new books at 60-90% off. They're only open six times a year so it was pretty lucky for some of us that they are open during this rally. An optional side-trip to this place will appear on the agenda or my wife won't be happy with me.