Moved on to the next thing...
[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText]The Pueblo Press Dispatch [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=.SF UI Text]
[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText]Judge Freely recently presided over a trial in which Ramrod presented evidence of Horse thieving, robbery and drunkenness against notorious highwaymen Jiimmy "Two Guns" Beletti, Garry "Bank Bags" Gilbert and their Sundance crew. Judge "Hang em" as he is known to many in outlaw circles, passed sentence and ordered the local Sheriff to take Beletti "Two Guns" and his accomplices and "stretch their necks"!!!
[/FONT][/FONT]He ordered one witness, who simply spoke kindly of the outlaw group, to be taken out back and horse whipped!
I know I can't be this witness as it is widely (I mean secretly) known that I like this kind of stuff (within reason, of course!)...