EVENT: Heartland Regional Rally: MO, Branson - 4/28/2016 to 5/1/2016

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Thanks guys for the cudos on the photos.. I like to see them like that also.. Always want to know who someone is and what the name is.. Great for the rally to know what site they are in .. My friend Larry Ulmer is the one I copied to do this...

Also for those that are interested, I just uploaded a number of photos of the rally and one video of John Sager that preformed at our Saturday night dinner. He was quite good.

The video is at the end of the photos and it is a short one to give you a sample of his singing...

Hope you enjoy..

Same link as before. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/71sn18f0i6rx9v2/AAAmPBjRxbhCaHuU2-iaPi-Ya?dl=0



HI Bob,, and everyone.

Thanks for the pictures Bob, it is really good to be able to put a face to a name. Great picture taking job you do as usual, all good,,,, well... you maybe could have left a couple out, but that's OK,,, like #18 :rolleyes:,, #57. :rolleyes: Keep up the good work Bob.

Looks like a really nice rally hall and everyone having a good time. John Sager is a great entertainer also.

Sure wished we could have been there.

Jim M


Well-known member
Looks like a great rally, boy is Dolly POed because we couldn't attend. That is the most complete set of rally pictures I have ever seen, when you know what the urinal looks like, you feel you were there whether you were or not. Great job Bob.


Active Member
Have arrived home from Rally, and we had a great time. Met a lot of different people (lol) and made some new friends as well.


Well-known member
Well, it's Sunday evening. Nancy and I have been here 5 nights and will be leaving in the morning.

Hats off to Jay and Stella for a great rally! Nancy and I enjoyed seeing all our old pals, making new pals, eating great potluck food, great catered food and being entertained by John Sager. All that - plus we took in 4 shows while we were here. Kudo's to Larry and Gayle K, our MO Chapter Leaders for going all over town obtaining a TON of free show tickets. You're an amazing asset to our club. We used our freebies this afternoon to see the Chinese Acrobats at Yakov's theater - great show!

Nancy and I are taking Jay and Stella out to dinner tonight as a thank you for their tireless work for the club this past week and the many years they've served.

Safe travels to all and see you down the road!


Staff member
We arrived home this afternoon and just wanted to say thanks to Jay and Stella, Larry and Gayle and all of the volunteers and cooks that made the yummy breakfast.
Great time in Branson.



Well-known member
We got home last night, long drive but we had fun in Branson as usual. A big thank you to Jay & Stella and their whole crew.


Well-known member
Lynette and I would like to thank everyone for all your hospitality and making us feel welcome.
A special thanks to Nelly for her great muffins. I know it's a lot of work but I'm sure it's a labor of love. And thanks to Kevin for staying out at Nelly way so she can get her work done.LoL.
Thank you Jay and Stella putting on such a wonderful rally.
Don't know when we'll see you all next but will be at the Las Vegas rally. Hope to see y'all then.

Jack & Lynette


I have moved this rally photos in the drop box to it's own folder. I am going to place photos in folders of each rally I attend if you all are interested. I will be deleting the older rally photos after about 2 weeks of each rally. I don't have enough room to keep them there for a long time. Thanks for the cudo's..



I have moved this rally photos in the drop box to it's own folder. I am going to place photos in folders of each rally I attend if you all are interested. I will be deleting the older rally photos after about 2 weeks of each rally. I don't have enough room to keep them there for a long time. Thanks for the cudo's..


Hey Bob, Under the "Tools" tab at the top of the page is "HOG" Heartland Owners Gallery. How about posting your pictures there and you don't have to worry about using up your space.

Jim M


Legendary Member
Thanks all for the kind words. We couldn't have pulled this off without a great team that took care of the million details. We're looking forward to the next one.


Well-known member
Yep Jay & Stella you guys did an OUTSTANDING job! We are blasting out of here in the morning to go home & get ready for the Arkansas Rally.


Well-known member
Another great rally hosted by Jay and Stella. I am not surprised, because theirs have always been great as far back as I can remember . . . a Spring, TX rally and they were then Chapter Leaders. Thanks for all your efforts Jay and Stella.
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