EVENT: Heartland Regional Rally: PA, New Holland - 7/21/2016 to 7/24/2016

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Pennsylvania Chapter Leaders-retired
We replaced the Friday potluck with a Friday Heartland Happy Hour. We are doing Shady Maple Smorgasbord a few hours earlier and once you eat there, you don't need to eat for a while. So just a reminder, bring your finest southern brew for everyone to sample.

Jamie, Wednesday evening is open for a pre-rally potluck maybe????
We'd rather do that than go out to eat...

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Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
Jamie/Ginger - one minor change for us. We will be leaving on Jul 24th, not the 25th. Still arriving Jul 20.


Founding Louisiana Chapter Leaders-Retired
Ok we will do a small pot of chicken and sausage gumbo

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Pennsylvania Chapter Leaders-retired
That sounds real good

Thanks. Still have lots from my trip last winter. I'll smoke a couple of roasts here at home on Monday prior then slow cook them for Wednesday evening. It's delicious meat!!

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Northeast Region Director-Retired

We think we have the microwave issue figured out. Hopefully will be good to go.
First batch is made. Madison had to have the first one.

Chocolate chip.


Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
We're making the long drive over from Hershey Wed so we'll plan on being at the potluck Wed night. Probably bring a salad or veggie dish since those seem to be in short supply so far.


New Jersey Chapter Leaders-Retired
Hi Jamie,
Shame on me i havent been online for the last week or so, were arriving thursday afternoon. No potluck? Bring unwrapped toys and spirits for sharing/tasting? Sorry for asking alot of questions, its our first rally and we are very much looking forward to it

Ira & Dawn


Northeast Region Director-Retired
Hi Jamie,
Shame on me i havent been online for the last week or so, were arriving thursday afternoon. No potluck? Bring unwrapped toys and spirits for sharing/tasting? Sorry for asking alot of questions, its our first rally and we are very much looking forward to it

Ira & Dawn

YEP, 17 days and counting!!!!!!

With the amount of food at Shady Maples on Friday, we decided to forgo the normal potluck on Friday. Instead, we will be having a Heartland Happy Hour at the Beach Pavilion. Light refreshments will be provided but if anyone wants to bring something that would be fine. Just bring your favorite wine or brew for sampling.



6:00- Meet & Greet - Dessert party - Club provides the eats (Site 1574)


9:30- Disc Brake Seminar (Site 1548)

11:30- Shady Maple Smorgasbord -Club provided

4:00- Trailer Tire Seminar (Site 1548)

4:00- kids activities (Site 1574)

6:00- Heartland Happy Hour- Wine & Brew Tasting- Bring your glass and your favorite wine for sharing.
Light refreshments provided.


9:00- Breakfast- Bagels, donuts, juice and coffee - club provided.

9-3- Disc Brake Installation. (Location TBD)

11:00- kids Activities (Site 1574)

1-3 DYI Mods- Show & Tell

5:00- Catered Dinner (Full Dinner) -Club provided

Club Picture
Toys for Tots


9:00- Breakfast - "NELLY MUFFINS" - Juice and coffee - club provided



New Jersey Chapter Leaders-Retired
Many thanks to you and evryone that helps out...sounds like a good time!

Ira & Dawn


Northeast Region Director-Retired
I might possibly be able to come up with something for this one.

That's Perfect. Thanks

Calling all DIYers,

Looking for those you have, fixed an issue, modified an part, added a doodad, upgraded in accessory, painted a bathroom, accented with LEDs, smoothed a ride with the new hitch....... You get my drift.

It's time to show'm off.

- - - Updated - - -

Let me know what you've done and if you don't mind showing them off, we can bring a group around and look at everybody's DIY modifications.
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