Filling my fresh water tanks


Hello all, I have had my 2007 Cyclone 3795 for just over a year now, and mostly have been connecting to shore water. Where we have been camping most recently, the water is crappy and so we decided to start hauling our own. When my trailer is parked, even with blocks under the passenger side, it leans that direction just a bit. I stick the hose in the fill valve and start filling. The tank on the passenger side starts overfilling first, followed by the other tank a little bit later. It never gurgles out the fill valve like it did in my Weekend Warrior. By the time I am totally packed and ready to pull out, the tanks have bled down through the overflow to about 2/3 according to the gauges. By the time I get to where I am camping (about 3 hours away), they are about 1/3, all draining out the overflow hoses sticking down.

What gives here? Someone we were camping with this last weekend said they had valves you could shut off, but they were up at the tank. The whole underside of my camper is pinned, so accessing those valves surely won't be easy. I am contemplating putting a valve that I can open and close at the end of the overflow valve, but it didn't come that way from the factory, so I decided to post here first. Additionally, on the panel where I connect water, there are two valves, and Heartland send me a pic of how the were supposed to be for normal service, but what are they? What do they do and why would I ever change them?

Any advice is appreciated.
