I have no doubt that Rick knows what he's talking about and I truly dislike all of the things he had to go through to gain some of this knowledge. I don't wish a truck breakdown on anyone but it happens every single day.
Maybe I'm crazy but I'm no cheerleader for Ford, I definitely don't preach the Government Motors or any money bailout talk, I just believe I bought the best truck out of the 3 I was looking at, the GMC a very very close second if I could even call it second. My truck had an LCD display in the dash and electric extendable mirrors that and a loaded Lariat sub$50,000 helped seal the deal.
I agree about Government motors, that was another reason I prefer Ford. I too think it is the best truck out there. My only problem is Ford denying warranty on legitimate HPFP failure claims. There is no conceivable way that every single HPFP failure is the customers fault.
I don't spook very easy and until something actually happens to me I just won't run to get rid of this. In my mind it makes zero sense to get turn so upside down on trading out of the truck. So if we are talking money, keeping the truck, to me, is the better deal regardless of the pump going out. To get a different branded truck like I want, I will be out well over 10-15,000 dollars just on trading outand extend a truck note for another year which is another 12,000.
You have done everything possible to avoid a failure. Filters on time, best fuel you can get and additives. If you are in the middle of a failure happening how can Ford blame you? If you have aluminum in the filter it makes sense that the HPFP is failing. I currently race motocross and have been for years. I have seen some two strokes fail, Rick is correct the pump would start sending small fragment of aluminum through the system as it grinds on its self. It will get continually worse until a catastrophic failure happens if that is what is happening.
Again I hated to hear what Rick went through but he isn't me. Ford hasn't shafted me yet and until they do I personally have no reason to Talk bad about them or go elsewhere, yet. If something happens I'll handle it when it does but I don't NEED to do anything now. No offense to Rick or anyone else involved but fact of the matter, I don't know him know him and again I'm not going to think something bad is going to happen to my truck just because it did to someone else. Like 3 friends that have 6.0L and mine has had the bad egr, head gaskets, transmission, radiator, degas tank, oil cooler, etc. and they have not and they have older truck with more miles....no rhyme or reason, we do basically the same things with those trucks and same mods for the most part.
Just a difference of opinions and everyone thinks theirs is correct. No harm no foul, that's what you get when you throw a bunch of guys and trucks into the same pot. No rules on having to agree

Cheers and I hope for many trouble free and fun miles with our trucks, trailers and families.