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I've got a 2016, so I don't know about the miitary grade aluminum that they use. However, I did put a dent in my new truck thanks to a 4' high decorative post & rail fence that the good folks at Disney World put directly across from my EXTREMELY tight back in space (and for that, they charge around $100 - luxury camping at its finest).
Anyway, I took it in for a quote and my body shop guy (been using him for years on both my metal and fiberglass vehcles) said that if it was aluminum, it may not have dented (aluminum flexes better). He also said that aluminum isn't any problem to repair - some different techniques but that's about it. How aluminum vehicles hold up to the salt in the northeast is yet to be seen.
So, based on all of the excellent features that the new Fords offer, I wouldn't hesitate to buy one. In fact, I almost did but they hit significant delivery delays and I needed a truck. Next one: aluminum.