Hey folks,
Thank you, thank you! We have all the volunteers we need for the Food Bank food sorting project on Wednesday morning. We also have 10 alternates.
Kimball and Alice Gillette are the volunteer coordinators for this event and she will let the Alternates know if they are needed. For the 10 alternates we have now, thank you! Please assume you will not be needed unless you hear from the Gillettes.
The Food Bank is not setup to handle more than 35 volunteers.
I would like perhaps Alternates 1 and 2 to go with the group in the event that:
- Someone needs to take a break
- Someone takes ill
- Someone gets hurt (heaven forbid)
I'd also like Alternates 1 and 2 to snap some pictures of the group doing their work, then get those pictures to our Rally Photo Coordinator, Duane Clause (porthole) and Duane will select from among them to put on the Rally album on the Heartland Owners Gallery.
Thanks everyone.