Hit by a truck


Saskatchewan Chapter Leader
I was riding my bicycle down highway 9 outside of wells maine.( I chose it because of the wide shoulders) A truck clipped my left elbow, I expected a trailer to be coming right up behind me so I took the ditch at about 29km per hour. I wok-up briefly in the ambulance, I got out of the hospital in Portland Maine yesterday. I have some double vision due to bleeding in my head and several cases of road rash on my left side and a very sore rib on my left side at the back. My head doesn;t hurt (you cannot hurt a cement head,

We went and got my bike from the scene and spoke to the lady who called the police, she said I was unconscious until the ambulance took me away. can't say enough good things about how I was treated in the Maine Medical Center in Portland Maine.

The lady said she saw the truck bounce me into the ditch and keep on going. I know I was riding the inside ot the 8 foot shoulder ( ditch side)

I will recover and my bike is in good shape I think. I cannot ride my bike or go quading or drive my hot rod for a few months due to the concussion.

Such is life


Well-known member
Harsh day, rest up and do what your doctor says. Blessings you are intact, its going to take time to heal.
Let the wife handle anything insurance wise since a concussion will mess with your memory on and off for a couple of months.


Southeast Region Director-Retired
What a horrible thing to happen to you. Sorry you were injured but glad you are otherwise OK. What a sorry world we live in that the driver didn't stop.


Founding Utah Chapter Leaders-Retired
Wow! Sounds like you are very lucky to be alive. Best of luck on your speedy recovery.

People are always drifting over the shoulder lines and as a biker, I worry about that. Trace


Sorry to hear this happened and hope you have a speedy recovery. I'm sure you already realize how lucky you are. That's one main reason I sold my street bike and bought a mountain bike, way too many close calls. The final straw was getting t-boned, which I was lucky enough to walk away from, guy ran a red light and wore me as a hood ornament.


retired Alberta Chapter Leaders
Don, sorry to hear of your mishap, hope they catch the person that hit you,. Glad your out of the hospital and on the mend. Take care, Doug


Founding Canadian Region Director - Retired
It was a shock when I heard about your mishap. Thankful to hear you are on recovery. Hope it is swift. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Certainly hope the find the driver and he has to answer for his actions.
Wayne and Gayle


Saskatchewan Chapter Leader
Follow up 2 weeks later

I was told that I could not drive, of course I did not accept that until Janina let me know how strongly she felt about it. I accepted my brother in laws offer, he flew from vancouver Canada to Portland maine and drove us home. we arrived last night (left Portland last monday).

at our last camp ground in alexandrea MN I was hooking up the water hose, I noticed it had a bend in it while in the water cabinet, I thought this strange but worked through it, then when I turn on the water I noticed a different sound but that went in one ear and out the other (concussion).

My brother inlaw and left to fuel up while Janina made dinner, when we got back into the truck I had texts "over flowing", I called and found out that the toilet was over flowing and nobody used it. Yup, I hooked the line up wrong, thnaks to Janina's quick thinking and action we only had a samll bit of water on the bathroom floor., I did have a very distrauct wife though/, I bought dinner.

Moral of the story, when injured do not let your pride write checks that your body can't cash. Accept the help. We narrived last night


retired Alberta Chapter Leaders
Don, you had quite the trip. Hope all is coming around. We are having our Rally at Cochrane Sept. 20 - 22. Be great if your up to the trip. Take care of yourself. Doug


Saskatchewan Chapter Leader
I got the green light from the doctor to drive, it has been a long month. I still have double vision when I look down. From what I understand it will take surgery to correct. I have better balance now so I don't look like I got into a good bottle of Crown royal. Can't ride my bike for another month or so. Even though I am having many issues since the truck hit me, I feel it could have been worse.


Trouble Maker
Any word about the driver that hit you? I suppose without a plate number you will never know who did it and why it happened.

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Saskatchewan Chapter Leader
No information, the cop who came discovered that I could remember nothing and presumed that I blacked out. I don't know how he would know that after being unconsious for 49 minutes you don't know wats going on. So... he did nothing but call my wife, an ambulance and left.