That line had me do a bit of searching .......
Bleach is the most common agent and relatively safe, hydrogen peroxide seems to be quite effective and with some side benefits, but is required in much higher concentrations with it's use, complicating matters and citrus acid works by changing the PH, which may or may not give you the desired effect, and can give you detrimental side effects. For citrus acid to work it seems the PH needs to be down around 2. If you don't adjust the PH after sanitizing you can cause other problems.
I also found a contact time to disinfect listed with bleach being fairly quick, 2-3 minutes and HP fairly long, 180 minutes.
This page has a short synopsis:
I found a lot of links and many of them related to RV or boating forums, so I took most of those as "home remedies" and skipped them. Keep in mind, using hydrogen peroxide as a disinfectant for a cut is an old wives tale. Although it will help kill bacteria in your wound, it will also kill or damage the good healthy cells that are trying to repair your skin.
This Google search brought a lot of commercial links up
bleach, citrus acid or hydrogen peroxide to sanitize water tanks?
Having a quality water supply to begin with is key. For us, our drinking is very good.
I use the bleach method once in the spring time (remember to bypass your water heater). If at any time during th eyear I suspect teh water at teh campground 9Hatteras comes to mind) I will treat again.
And I think a key to keeping your water fresh in the trailer, especially if you drink it, is to keep it "fresh". Fill it, use it, and don't let it sit. The most I will allow the water to sit in the tank is a week. Even if we are using city water at the CG I will typically switch over the last day for showers and cleanup and waste tank flushing.
I found this quote on one site, and ignoring the I am a microbiologist" the rest of it was consistent on the various commercial links.
As a former microbiologist I can assure you that bleach is the chemical of choice for sanitizing water systems due to:
1. High kill rate at even low concentration.
2. Low cost.
3. Residual that is relatively stable over a given time at room temperature.
4. Will not create explosive gasses when combined with high organic material levels.
5. Ease of use and availability.
Hydrogen Peroxide is a good disinfectant but is unstable and creates a lot of gas in the presence of organic matter. It is also more expensive at the effective dosing levels required to sanitize water systems. It leave virtually no residual so once it reacts with organic material is is gone.
For cost vs effectiveness you can't beat bleach.
If using an RO system you should use that manufacturers recommendation for disinfectant so you don't damage the membrane.