

my wife and I have made the decision to go full time. I would like to be on the road within a year or less. So much to do. I'm a research kinda guy and read everything I can. I have decided that quality is important and usually equals increased weight. Since I am asking the wife to give up "her home" and she is ok with this - I want the fifth wheel to be a really nice one for her. Have been looking at mobile suites (would have to be used for my budget) and just found heartland. Trying to figure out the lineup - I like the big country and the landmark. Would like to know the differences in the lines and why one might be better than the other. I'm sure I'll have lots more questions. Thanks


Hi Jonah,

Welcome to the Heartland Owners Forum and hopefully to the family. We have a great bunch of folks here with lots of information and all willing to share their knowledge when needed.

The Heartland Landmark line is currently being completely revamped. It will be the Landmark 365 with several different models available. Check it out and get your order in, join us at a rally when you can.

Jim M


Thanks for the warm welcome!
The heartland website lists 4 lines as luxury fifth wheels. What are the major differences? Trim? Floor plans? Are there any differences in frames? Thanks.