I'm sure everything will work out fine. We have had several issues, but like I said all minor, and it's been a big learning curve for us, we've gotten alot of very useful information from this forum on how to deal with things, and when not sure we make a post and ask, we also have picked up alot of info from other RV'ers in the many parks we've been to. It's an absolutely amazing life, and life style, almost like a little hidden society behind these little tucked away park gates. Like someone else said, some of the issues were "self inflicted" others are just the nature of the beast. Oh we've (I've) had some days where I've turned the air blue and glad no kids were around to hear my rant about something going wrong, but then I think about all the work we've done on our stick home that now need REDONE, look at the taxes, ins, and the worries about that place, set down, have a nice cold one, walk the park, visit others, wake up the next morning and it's always the same..............BEST THING WE EVER DID! Matter of fact we're already discussing plans on when we sell this one and what RV is next in line. ;-) If you want a list of our issues, problems, our fixes, and what we do, I'd gladly supply it (we keep all receipts) LOL As for the tire issue like someone else posted, keep them at max pressure, and check them regularly, we used the Tow Max for a couple yrs, we changed out this spring to Maxxis, it made a huge difference, but we carry a small compressor and air up before every move, also ck lug nuts, we don't make tight turns keeping tire twist minimal as possible, we drive about 60 mph on the road, I hand pack bearings annually and inspect them (don't like the bearing buddies...aka EZ lube) also lets me look at the brakes (yes replaced one hub assembly the 1st yr because the brake literally had exploded into pieces, I didn't deal with warranty didn't want the hassle, I coughed up 150.00 and went on my way, that was my choice). The one thing we've noticed is the longer we have our RV, and deal with the little things immediately the less and less things come up, but it's also fun for us to see how our RV is put together, learn it's in's and out's. It's and RV but it's our home, and just like the other house, it needs attention, some love and time and maintenance the difference is there's alot more people that are willing to help out or provide information on this house than the other, and when this one is fixed and all is good, we go meet new neighbors and see new things and make alot of new acquaintances. The more we're in it the better we like it. Good luck, be patient, it'll all work out fine, you've got a very nice RV, kick back and enjoy.