Level-Up settling


Staff member
Torco and Maxima are fluids with additive.
Caterpillar is a fluid additive.



Well-known member
The popping noise and settling could be 2 different issues. Mine was settling on left side after checking hoses and jacks I checked the solenoids on the valves by using an allen wrench and making sure adjustment was all the way out(CCW). I found 1 on front jack that I got about 1/4 turn. Seams to have solved my problem. Have the fluid additive and still get occasional popping.
We had the popping sounds for a while on our new cyclone, but the popping stopped after some more usage.

I figure there was some air in the system.


Her chauffeur
I can tell you that the adjustment is most likely for flow without seeing any technical info related to it.

I spent years maintaining hydraulically controlled equipment where position and force where critical for quality processing. Whenever there was an issue that we had to troubleshoot, it always came down to failure of components, never did we add conditioners to the fluids. LCI just needs to spend more time at the drawing board on this one.

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Well-known member
If I recall correctly, the Allen wrench screws would be the ones that you have to turn for manual landing gear retraction. That could be the issue. I had the popping issue and solved it with the maxima fluid. I suspect that what you are experiencing is more than popping, which I don't think causes measurable cylinder retraction, and that you have an internal bypassing seal issue or a loose connection just barely leeching pressure.

I found that most dealership repair centers think that hydraulics are magic and have no idea what to look for...find a good independent.