New Owner


Well-known member
Hey guys,
The wife and I just purchased a used 2008 Cyclone 4012. Beautiful trailer, loving it. Planning on taking it out for the holiday weekend. We purchased it from a very small sales lot and they really didn't do a demo of any of the systems, it was more "As you can see everything works", so of course we have lots of questions.

Is there a good video showing the operation of the universal docking center and what all of those items are? I see a couple valves that I have no idea what they do. My understanding is that there is a black-water tank flush system, but I have no idea how it works, so a video would be great if one exists.

Is there a download link for the owner's manual? All I see here on this forum is back to 2011 and mine is a 2008.

Edit: One more question I came up with -
I towed it home from the lot without incident. My first experience towing a 5th wheel other than my Pops' semi truck. A pickup is a bit different, for sure. The 5th wheel seemed to make some noise when taking off or stopping, is that normal? It wasn't a lot of noise, it just made like a small "thump" sound. I wasn't feeling anything like a jerk or thump, just hearing a noise. It could be just rusty stuff, the hitch was used and the trailer is too. Just figured I'd ask. I gave it a good once-over after getting home and unhooking. Everything seemed fine, the brackets to the frame look fine, the hitch looks fine. I could be just psyc'ing myself out here.

Thanks guys!


(We are brand new 5th wheelers ourselves, with an F350-Cyclone 4270 combo and one weekend trip under our belt, so take this for what it's worth!)

We experienced a similar noise when we first picked up our trailer that we quickly remedied with the wax (aka "grease") disk plate that came with our receiver assembly and slides onto the tow pin. If not that, heavy duty white lithium grease (readily available at W.M. or auto store) could mitigate the issue.

Regarding manuals: the Heartland website only archives back to 2013 for owner manuals; so I suggest having your VIN ready and contacting their customer support directly, and they can maybe email you a PDF. (I am working the same issue with Cummins about our generator since the manual we got with the trailer is very generic.)

(Unfortunately, I don't have any suggestions for the "universal docking system".)

I hope this helps, and happy camping!