No inverter power to refrigerator (Solved)


I have a 2020 Bighorn Traveller. We moved our rig from Estero FL to Marathon. I noticed the refer was not powered by the invertor?
  1. Inverter is on
  2. Auto switchover is clicking when power is removed
  3. Battery is charged
I will check to make sure the auto transfer switch is putting out power tomorrow. Otherwise I am looking to see if there is some other weird sequence Heartland dreamed up? The fridge is plugged into a single plug in the broom closet.
I have a Xantrex version on our boat and works flawless. It's our first time running the fridge while travelling.

Thanks in advance
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Well my suspicions were correct and I will say a BIG thank you to CGROLL for the great troubleshooting.

The connectors were behind the fireplace and the inverter source was marked with white who wouldn't know that was from the inverter. One might think there would be white tape on the fridge connector or use a marker with some indicator on the wire casing.

There is one connector for the TV, one for the Fireplace, one for the Microwave and one for the Fridge. There are only two wires going towards the Microwave (yellow) and the Fridge. Out of 4 connectors, the installer had a 50% chance of getting this right! Lets pick the Fireplace!

The fridge works on inverter power now when AC is removed. That is the intent of the inverter! Why wasn't it checked where so many rigs are wired incorrectly! Another great job by Heartland!

What a mess of wires everywhere you look in these RV's. I think they teach, "Out of sight...who cares!"


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