Owners Manual 21fsb Shortfall!!


Essential to all owners are the plumbing, electrical and LP gas engineering diagrams. These should be included in a set attached to the owners manual if a problem occurs when a non-Heartland mechanic troubleshoots a difficulty.
As a previous Airstream owner, they were included......

Including these schematics would be a definite ADDED VALUE to Heartland buyers!!

Barry & Alana

Active Member
We agree100% with this post.. HAving to search out a wiring problem for the bed slide - no lights - and to find 3 sets of wires not connected - I think a manuel or diagram would be usefuel. As is - we have contacted the factory , hope to have resolved asap. I think this is a waste of time - for the factory and the owners- this should not be a major problem I hope. Empower us with knowledge:rolleyes:


I agree whole-heartedly!! I have had the 21FBS for for about 6 weeks now and have had a difficult time getting accurate information about what's where and how do you do that. Also, I am very thankful for this forum. It has alerted me to several problems that I was able to rectify before larger problems developed!! Bob


Mississippi Chapter Leaders
Ditto that....Please, Please supply us with the diagrams for our Heartland products. I really would like to add some of my own "personal" touches to my Bighorn but am very hesitant since I have no schematics. I have asked around and found that many owners of SOB's either had them in their owners paperwork or obtained them simply by asking for them.


Retired Texas-South Chapter Leader
Ditti, Ditto to mountainlovers76. The diagrams would allow me to personalize my BH 3600RE in addition to being able to make myown repairs if needed.