But you are correct on scumbags patrolling parking lots this time of year. Don't leave valuables in plain sight in vehicles. Be very aware of you surroundings walking to and from your vehicle. Don't park in some remote and dark area of the parking lot. Walk in and out with others if possible. Keep your purse or bag tucked under your arm and did I say be aware of your surroundings? That means keep your nose out of your phone while walking in and out of the store. Keep you keys in your hand, with several keys sticking out between your fingers and don't be afraid to use them as a weapon if necessary. Unlock your vehicle before you get to the door. Don't wait and waste time standing by the door unlocking it. Did I say be aware of your surroundings?
Most crimes in parking lots at stores and malls will be entry into vehicles to steal packages, ipads, phones etc. Some will be purse or package snatches but whatever they are be aware of your surroundings. Opportunity for a perp is someone with their nose in their phone, or walking without looking around to see what is happening around them or both.