Update from Dave:
Saturday, last week, started with trip to Lubbock to JoAnns, Costco, fuel up, Sams, and so forth. About hour after getting flu sho, HD for over 65. Kathy got a headache. A week to the hour I am typing this. Update: Three doctors just came in, brain guys, Neuroligists. Still not sure AFTER mri, mra AND mrv. Still hit and miss. One thing these doctors doesn't have a sense of humor. As I might have told you, I asked if this means she{Kathy} will not be able to mow on Monday?? Let alone go camping on Wednesday to Lake Brownwood.
All I can say is that we appreciate all your prayers!! Not but One Guy, so hoprfully the connection will get there sometime. She beat cancer, she can beat a headache!!!
As I type this on Bertas computer the sweat or something is getting on the keys. Thanks again to all and please continue to put a few words in for Kathy. Much appreciated. Think they have a Mass here at 4 pm. May go, will ask priest if it counts for tomorrow.
To be politically correct, I Dave Tyler, approve this message!!!
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