Rear Window Drip Channel


Well-known member
This is a small problem I don't remember seeing addressed on the forum, and a cursory keyword search of the forum didn't bring up anything, either. I am bugged by vertical drip streaks on my big rear picture window. I am currently parked with the front a little lower on the leveling (my microwave door won't stay open by itself), I cleaned the window last week, we had a very light rain for about 30 minutes the other morning, and I have the vertical streaks on the rear window again. I am thinking that some sort of channel over the top of the window would keep the big vertical drips off the glass. Has anyone done this, with what, or does anyone have an idea of what material to use?


Prolifically Gabby Member
If you put a channel over the window, you'll end up with heavier streaks down the side of the cap along the window. 6 of one, 1/2 dozen of the other. Rain-X seems to help reduce the streaking somewhat, but the window still needs to be cleaned occasionally.


Well-known member
I found some channel in stock at the San Bernadino Camping World I may try - $26 for 10 feet. Lately I am looking out the rear window more than at the rear cap of the trailer, so moving the black streaks may be an acceptable compromise.


Well-known member
I finally ordered a 10 foot white piece of this drip channel from an online RV parts place (I think it is the same as Camping World stocks): I installed it on the white fiberglass adjacent to the window frame so it blends in. We had a nice rain last night - NO DRIP STREAKS on the window!!!


Prolifically Gabby Member
Now that I see what you used, it does look like a good thing. Somehow, I was envisioning a stiff gutter, like an aluminum channel. Do you think it would work on a slide window, like the bedroom or main slide side windows? Or would it get ripped off by the seals?


Well-known member
Now that I see what you used, it does look like a good thing. Somehow, I was envisioning a stiff gutter, like an aluminum channel. Do you think it would work on a slide window, like the bedroom or main slide side windows? Or would it get ripped off by the seals?

I don't think it would be a good idea to use this channel on a window involved in sliding under a slide seal, the channel protrudes about 1/2 inch, although the type of 3M pressure adhesive they use is supposed to be very good. They really emphasized cleaning the surfaces with alcohol, and wiping up the alcohol/dirt while still wet, before applying the adhesive-backed gutter. I used duct tape (temporarily) to help hold it down and get around the window corner curves while installing it, as the rubber channel was a little stiff to work with.