Prolifically Gabby Member
For anyone buying the Reico-Titan system, be sure to check the date of the instruction manual it comes with against the one on their website. There has been a change between the one I got, revised 11-29-10 and the one now on their website, revised 02-17-11. One item in particular is checking the bolt torque. In the earlier version, it says to torque to 100 ft-lbs. The first bolt I did that on snapped in two, so I just took the rest to "hand wrench" tight without using gorilla strength. If that had been a self-tapping bolt into the frame, it would not have been pretty. In reading the newer version, it has been changed to 75 ft-lbs, which is probably at or a bit higher than where I took them. I'll check the torque on them tomorrow, weather permitting. They also detail not to mount the rear jacks more than 18" from the rear spring hangers and have drawings in the manual for mounting both styles of brackets.
I just found this a few minutes ago by accident after visiting their site and pulling up the installation manual.
I just found this a few minutes ago by accident after visiting their site and pulling up the installation manual.